Teeth gripped the reddest apple Suro Shahn-Lee had ever been able to get her hands on whilst busy hands filtered through the tanned paper. Every few seconds, juice and spittle would overtake her mouth and she would be forced to slurp if she were to carry on. Letters from parents and brother, Sunny, dominated her mind as she thought of what to reply and when she came across the rare useless mail, she'd rip it in half and toss it into the nearby gutter. The way to the Thieves' Guild was so familiar, she didn't have to think of where she was going as her feet already knew the way. Of course, she would occasionally stumble into someone in which she would reply with a bowed head of apology, but her mind was focused on other things. Not only did she have to reword a letter in her mind, but she had to pay close attention to the ground to ensure that no cracks were stepped on and no black cats had passed. Suro could handle a lot of things; bad luck wasn't one of them. The blonde was so preoccupied that she didn't realize she was about to knock over an old lady until actually happened. The crouched woman shouted curses and moaned about her back after Suro flipped over her bent over figure and landed with a hard thud on the ground. Her blue and bronze scarf saved her cheek from engrained dirt, though it could not salvage her sore head. Picking herself up, she bended at the waist in apology and rushed as far away as she could from the anger-sprouting hag. When the thief arrived at the tavern, she sighed in relief through pants...though it all sounded the same. Collapsing in a nearby chair, she flicked her fingers in hopes that someone would retrieve some water for her as she leant back and rested her eyes. Old women were scary sometimes.