When Alex arrived at the bay he found himself face to face with a group of dead or unconscious ORB Union soldiers laying outside the hanger and inside of the hanger were a group of mobile suits. Astray Mass Produced suits and....two of the three astray units. The Gold One was missing already where it had gone was up to anyone's guess. However what happened next was even more unexpected. A large heavy caliber revolver was pressed up against Alex's head from behind. It had come suddenly and there had been no noise whatsoever. The voice was filled with static and distorted heavily. In the reflection of one of the nearby suit's legs stood a man in a large brown cloak with a white shirt underneath it. It looked expensive and so did the revolver. The man's finger was literally cocked just a fraction of an inch from pulling the trigger. The slightest twitch would send the bullet into Alexander's cranium silencing the man. "Well then good sir, I figured one of you egg heads had escaped that little massacre in the bay. It was unfortunate and the loss of life tragic but you would understand, WHY I did it I would hope. After all YOU did help design the G-Suits I would believe or at least these Astrays...oh yes I know of them; now don't even flinch or your brain will be on your coat." The man said with no hint of malice in his gravelly voice. "It was all your fault you know bringing high tech weapons into ORB since they're so unprepared for actual war. That's what makes them weak and why they are such easy targets for....pirates....like....like myself." the man continued with a bit of self disgust that time. "There's no need to worry about the gold one, I took that off your hands for now....but....that leaves two suits. The blue and the red....such an irony....it's like the perfect representation of ZAFT, and OMNI. Both war machines that only exist to feed off the hatred of others. But such beautiful machines none the less." the person continued as he tapped his foot rhythmically to a song in his head. "However I do feel bad for massacring neutrals, and I bet some of these children here were Coordinators...as we speak my men are taking your precious suits and are wiping out your companions. But only to prove a point we don't seek an overblown butchery of a port island. No no in fact I bet that Helioplis's citizens are more likely to call you lucky since ZAFT took them down....neutrality....they were hiding OMNI researchers pseudo neutrality is something that makes me ill...However it seems that things are speeding up rather well. It seems Forbidden is ours....but you still retain Calamity...." he said pointing with his free hand towards the other side of the field. "You're lucky you didn't lose both of these suits....however I'm going to offer you this deal here. You take the blue one...and I take the red one." the man said with amusement in his voice. "Call it a fair game and something to remember this day by. Because every time you look at that suit it will be a reminder of ORB's failure to keep out of affairs not involving them. Richard Preston is a fool for letting this get this bad. Here's how this works..." the man said as suddenly the man's free hand slapped something on Alexander's back. "I just put a small amount of plastic explosive on your back enough to shatter your spine. I will walk to the red machine and then you will walk to the blue machine. My aircraft will land and you will watch while I get away. Call it sportsmanship to the losers today or call it a foolish mistake I don't care just take the deal or take the shiny silver bullet to the back of your head. Hell you could chase after me once I'm done getting into the red one but you would be a fool. Calamity has no weapons on it and I could call on my companions today to come and help me. Plus I'm more than certain I've had more experience in combat than everyone in this base combined. Heh so how about it big boy?" the man asked Alex at last after his long speech.