Bobby is led to a dark bare room and as the guard behind him closes the door and dim lightbulb begins to flicker. Revealing on the wall a series of red lights that were completely off. But not for long, Bobby flipped a switch and a slow humming sound could be heard as electronics unseen in the room began to turn on. And slowly one by one a red light turned on, meaning another Casino owner was online. It took about ten minutes but soon, all but one of the red lights was one. And the once deadly quiet room began to emit low grumbles and annoyed sighs as each of the Owners had their nights interrupted by a man who openly disliked them. Bobby notices the one red light not turned on and cocked his eyebrow [b]“Where is the fox brat?”[/b] Bobby sneered [i]“Darius had more pressing matters to attend to. Not everyone likes your company. As surprising as that may be to yourself”[/i] [b]“Pressing matters eh? I guess the slaughter of an entire angelic army is not as important as making sure his sluts got enough dough stuffed in their panties” [/b] The room became quiet as the owners silently contemplated what this meant for them and their strategic position in the area. Rumors of the Angelic remnant mounting an invasion into Gospel territory had spread. But it was just speculation and then total silence from any reliable source. “What happened?” quipped one owner meekly Bobby sighed as he let his backpack fall to the floor. Speaking as he slowly unzipped the bag. [b]“ Five weeks ago I had run into the invasion force. They had just penetrated the official borders of Gospel with little to no resistance. I offered my scouting skills to them since I knew the land better than anyone in their army. To my surprise, the invasion force was led by Echetus's former weather Angel. Who had survived Gospel's purge and went into hiding. I guess he wanted his city back.”[/b] He pulls out of the bag a sealed manilla envelope. The small security cameras that were placed on the corners of the room zoomed in on it since the owners wanted a good look at what was inside. Needless to say, the contents let out a gasp of disbelief and horror. Casino owners were not squeamish they killed a variety of people all the time with little concern. But this, was on a whole new level. [b]“ It was a complete disaster when they laid a siege to the city. The defenses were heavily underestimated. Anti-air and artillery pretty much wrecked the bulk of their forces alone. Then when they were finally battered enough. They sent out a few squads of Gate-killers”[/b] [I]“A few? How many squads are we talking here?”[/i] [b]“About four or five”[/b] “THATS IMPOSSIBLE! Your mean to tell me that 20 or 25 individuals took out an entire army!?” [b]“Like I said you idiot the artillery and anti-air did most of the work. The Gate-Killers were just clean up duty. Though it still is impressive. They had to mop up about 900 remaining Angels” [/b] [I]“Fucking hell...”[/i] [b]“The Weather Angel was captured and tortured, his wings were torn out before his head was bashed in.[/b] [I]“Hah! What a noble death for such a graceful creature”[/i] said a sneering, sarcastic voice. [b]“Well if you want, you too can enjoy the same treatment. After the siege was broken, the Gospel military has gotten bolder. Their advancing their armies. Primarily on territory held by Koa, but we do have one issue. We have a squad of Gate-Killers deep in our own borders.”[/b] “Shit. How far are they from the city?” [b]“ I was tracking them all day this morning. They've been purging towns and sparing the young children, sending them off to Echetus. Gotta keep that population rate going up I suppose. Anywho, last town I saw them at was about 20 miles away from the city. Though that’s when they spotted me and I needed to split.[/b] [I]“Absolutely wonderful. And it was my grand opening too. Well damn, I recommend we put the City under a state of emergency. Amp up security and close off the city. No one can enter or leave for the next 48 hours” [/i] “I agree. I'll make sure Bobby's report gets sent to Koa, they need to know about this as soon as possible.” [I]“ Furthermore, if anyone was planning on going through with any... less that polite activities. I suggest they hold them off until this has been handled. Send word to Darius about this. Bobby, we need you to go back out and locate that group of Gate-Killers and inform us of their location every hour after finding them. Retreat only after they've left our territory or if there is evidence they'll be advancing on Kenan, though I doubt they'll be that stupid.”[/i] [b]“Funny, I don't recall you having the power to order me around.”[/b] “FUCK YOU AND LISTEN TO US! Jesu would have given you the same damn order!” Bobby growls angrily and spits on the floor as response before slipping the switch and disconnecting them from his presence. He picked up his backpack and left the room, angrily slamming the door behind him. He grimaced as the alarms began to wail throughout the city. He had work to do.