(@Toaw: we're in town now, but its not a big deal.) Kiyomi heard a man shout at her and she stopped, yet again. She turned slowly, the only thing she wanted to do was go and train. Someone had followed her into town all this time to simply ask her how she felt about it. Her anger had begun to rise, and she unequipped her Rapier, in fear of what she might do. With an eerily calm voice, she said, "I have accepted the fact that i saved this world from someone as soulless as him. You come to me...you question me? YOU DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT HE'S DONE!" she yelled at the man, her fists clenched. "In the past week alone he's beaten six women, all nearly to death, just like he did me. And for what? Scraps of food and mere pocket change!? You should be thanking me, i did this world a favor." her voice lowered to a hiss as she got in his face. "I do not care how many i have to strike down, i do not care how much blood i have to bathe in to keep these people safe." she stepped away from him and turned to continue walking. Re-equipping her Saigo Rapier, she ignored the small crowd that had gathered. Waving, she called over her shoulder. "Yeah, yeah. You all should thank me! Afterall, do we not kill the monsters in this game? Just turns out they come in all forms." With that, Kiyomi covered her head with her hood and walked away. She was headed to Dire Mountain to train for the remainder of her time awake and take her anger out on something that would put up an equal fight.