Anastasia nodded, "Sounds lovely. We'll just have the servants, which will be nice. I think everyone would be awfully confused by a second wedding. Also, I don't think we need to have the crazy party. I'm sure my mother would just want to see the actual ceremony," Alexandra finished feeding and Anastasia grabbed a small blanket and tossed it over her shoulder. She held Alexandra to it and stood as she patted her back lightly, walking around a bit. She smiled at Samsul, "Besides, if we are going to tell the world that my mother actually isn't dead, I don't think doing so with a wedding is really the way." When Marcus started to cry, Ana handed Alexandra off to Samsul and went to her son. She lifted him into her arms and just as she had with Alexandra, allowed him to feed as she spoke with her husband. She smiled at him, "We got a summer wedding last time around... It'll be a winter wedding this time around."