Name: Mayaquen note: not his real name Age: twenties Appearance: A sharp dressed man from way outta town who proudly wears his group's uniform. That being: A matching midnight blue jacket with a white shirt and pants embroidered with an natural elemental motif and with some silver decorations on the latter end of the sleeves. And most importantly a hat worn low that gives off that sexy and mysterious wanderer vibe. The man himself is clearly foreign as indicated not only by that warm latte skin tone but also his accent which has been muddled to keep it ambiguous. He is a man of average height and in good physical condition due to his prior training. He carries little aside from a black rectangular box strapped with rope on his back and his sword in an elegant scabbard. Style/Levels: Sword 5, Weapons: Sword & limbs Sword etras: Oh yeaaaaaaaaaaaah!: Allows him to cut through various substances most normal blades would not, which allows for pretty flashy lock picking and dynamic entries. Unfortunately it seems to operate on some sort of dramatic momentum leaving it unable to break through most weapons most of the time. Wall of steel: Tightly controlled series of swipes good at keeping the pressure at a foe or for a solid parrying ability. Steel brush; crimson ink: Multiple target ability specialized in several pinpoint attacks or looking cool like gunkata with swords Smite: A straight forward heavy strike meant for staggering. Personality: Naturally passionate and fickle like the winds he's grown a bit distant and aloof due to his prolonged questing. That isn't to say he's directly rude, just not exactly openly friendly or talkative. History: Hailing far elsewhere in a sunny place, he's made his way through the lands as he continuously tracks down the thieves that stole a priceless artifact of his group. But what does that even mean? Well rewinding back he was just a regular kid playing around until one day he saw the warrior musician sect of his country. So not too long after he'd join in and things were good, he excelled in his training and got his own personal clothing making him a full fledged member. Things were all sorts of rosey until the sacred pilgrimage to retrieve the sacred bars, which are more a form of tablets. That is until the bandits attacked and stole their relic in the middle of the night. Now he's been piecemealing clues on to their direction and slowly recovered three of the eleven sacred bars. However his vow to never to return until he has them all back and the continuous travel has had some negative effects which in short has made him into a bit of a jerk. Why are you on this journey?: bandits took muh tablets and now I got to take them back Miscellaneous: "HAVE YOU SEEN THIS MAN?"