[hider=Image][img=http://th00.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/254/a/4/catching_up_on_my_steampunk_reading_by_monkeynoc-d5ef8un.jpg][/hider] Name: Zephias Cromwell Species: Ghost Gender: Male Age: A little over 500. He's forgotten exactly how long ago he died, and he may or may not actually remember the current year. He appears to be in his late 30s. Occupation: Librarian Personality: He's a lover of inquisitive minds, and values the acquisition of knowledge above all else. Zephias is a flighty spirit, easily startled and easily distracted by anything new or unexpected. He has a tendency to be a bit of an airhead; randomly spacing out at times, and never quite being 'all there,' both mentally and physically. Bio: Zephias Cromwell was a renaissance man in life, dabbling in as many fields of science as he could find back in his day. His particular favourites were alchemy and engineering, though his constant pursuit of knowledge had unfortunate consequences. After years of constant study and many pounds of rare, expensive ingredients, his grand panacea did indeed grant him eternal life; though not quite the kind he was expecting. One sip of his vile concoction was all it took to violently and permanently eject his spirit from his body, leaving him stuck between this world and the next as an incorporeal ghost. Though he tried to continue his work from beyond the grave, his inability to interact with -and, indeed, to even be seen by- the physical world left him with very little to do. Zephias spent the next century or two wandering western Europe, haunting various libraries, universities, and private studies. In time he learned how to focus his energies to move physical objects and manifest a form others could see, but the mortals he met had a nasty tendency to fear and scorn the poor scholar. Depressed and alone, the wandering spirit found his way to Gravetown, where the dead can finally make a life for themselves. Stuff you often carry: As an incorporeal ghost, Zephias has a hard time carrying much of anything that isn't also phantasmal. When he bothers to manifest a physical form at all, Zephias tends to wear renaissance or Victorian-era clothing, often with a hint of steampunk. He always carries a ghastly grimoire with him wherever he goes, like it's a part of his person. Type of magic, if any: He can possess inanimate objects to temporarily bring them to life, though I guess that's more of a ghost thing than a magic thing. Anything else? There's nothing quite like the smell of freshly baked bread. Anything here is changeable if it messes with some established lore.