[center]Naka [/center] The young woman followed the lead of Rory, who seemed to know the place well, her other friends tagged along as they walked, and Naka had to hide her frustration. She seemed to have derailed these friend's evening, but right now she couldn't show it. Instead, she focused on the girl who she *did* know. Rory was full of welcoming feelings, and if the pain hadn't been so bad, Naka might have appreciated them more. "So...I had no idea you were a...mutant." Naka could have laughed at the bluntness of Rory's approach, but simply shrugged. "It ain't exactly welcoming out there for mutants, an' to be honest, it's none of anyone's business..." That was the excuse Naka had in a can. Was she about to tell some girl she barely knew that it was because she was ashamed? No. Naka gave her a small reassuring smile, and as they entered the clinic area, Naka knew she had nothing to be worried about. The place shone with mostly metal instruments, soft melodies played through hidden speakers in the room, causing Naka to raise a brow. From behind a desk stood a tall young man, his smile was wide and full of caring. He seemed to be in his early 30's, his black hair and olive complexion making him seem almost boyish, gray scrubs clad him and hid well muscled arms from the girl's view's. "And who did this to you? The first day hasn't even ended," His deep voice caught Naka off guard, causing her to look to Rory in disbelief. This man was gorgeous. "I got into a fight, I...don't go here..." Naka said as she stepped forward. The man reached out and guided her by the forearm to a nearby gurney. "I can tell you have a cracked rib...mostly nothing I can do about that, the bruises will heal in time..." he took her chin into his hand and examined the shiner and busted lip. "This is what I'm going to do," he spoke as he turned away and reached into a nearby cabinet," you're a mutant obviously, or else you wouldn't come here for refuge. Take these." He handed the young woman a small bottle of medicine, "Pain relievers, nothing too serious, but you'll feel a bit better. I'll get your name up to the office and we'll get you a room assigned." He patted Naka's knee, signaling that no matter what she said, that was what he was going to do. The young woman tucked the small bottle into her vest and quickly scrawled down her details on a sheet. It asked questions she would never have answered before. [center][b]What is the nature of your mutation?[/b][/center] [i]....I grow stuff...I can light a campfire without matches....I can tell you how angry your roses are for you cutting them...[/i] She wasn't sure how serious or forthwright she wanted to be. She jotted down the bare minimum before handing the sheet back to the hunky clinic man. "Ah...what a unique name...Naka. Nice to meet you, I'm Colin, but most call me Mender. I would fix that rib, but it will hurt more if I do. It'll heal on it's own. A..." he turned his brown eyed gaze to Rory, "Aurora...right? Could you make sure Miss Vejay here gets around safe, they should have her room assignment at the front office by the time you get there." Colin smiled as he sat down behind his desk once more and set to putting Naka into the system. "Can ya show me the kitchen...I need somethin' to drink with the meds." She shrugged as she turned to smile at Rory. Right now she needed to hang onto her, at least until they managed to get her room assignment.