The Doctor had only just been released from hospital. He was feeling very drained. He knew there was still alot that he wanted to do. He needed to check on the TARDIS. He had been sick in hospital for two weeks. He was still quite unwell. He curled up in his bed. His tea was on the nightstand by the bed. He knew Rose had been really worried about him. He was coughing badly and he moaned a bit. He was feeling quite useless being in bed. He sits up and looked around. He still wanted to get up. He knew that he had to make sure that the TARDIS was all in working order, He wanted to go somewhere as well. The Doctor didn't seem to be thinking about his weakened immune system. He just wanted to explore the universe. He still had a bad headache as well. It had been weeks since he had been well enough to travel. He still wasn't quite well enough. "Rose." He called. His eyes looked towards the door to his bedroom. He didn't want to rest. It was boring. Not getting an answer , He figured she hadn't heard him and was further in the TARDIS. He tried to get up. The Doctor staggered and leaned on the wall. He held his head, he knew that he had been servely ill. Rose had been afraid to die, as much as he hadn't wanted to go to hospital Rose had basically made him. He hadn't been able to keep down any food and had a very high fever. He still wasn't hungry. The Doctor was sure he would have up and down moments. He had vomited soon as he got back to the TARDIS earlier that day. He was determined to not let it bother him.