As Maybird struck the dagger, he was delighted to see it embed deeper into the beast's flesh, and better still, he could hear bones cracking, within the next moments, the monster then fell with a loud thud and right into the trap. At least, thats what Maybird thought would happen. The beast steadied itself with its left leg, just inches, [i]inches[/i] before the trap! How frustrating it was! It was not over, though, far from it. The beast then let out an extremely loud roar, which caused Maybird to instinctively close his hands around his ears. Now, were it not for his experience in Dungeons, he would be dead by now, as the beast spun with its axe bared, read to cleave through the poor man. Adrenaline started pumping into him, everything started playing out in a significantly slower motion, even himself, so [i]this[/i] was the feeling of those meeting death the first time. His consciousness sped up, he could still observe the room. The beast's axe descending slowly, the glowing rune placed as a trap just in front of the beast, the man who set the trap's surprised expression, and another man in a corner, doing what seemed like preparing, as purple flames danced around his hands. "Explode it!" Maybird yelled, not addressed to anyone in particular, and worded as short as it could be understood, yes, an explosion would be extremely sufficient, it would both save him, and perhaps knock the monster a few inches back and into the trap. Though he didn't know if anyone had anything even close to a force as powerful as an explosion that could reach his position within a matter of a second. [i]One[/i] second, Now, Maybird would time a barrier creation just as the beast's axe reaches at least an estimated, 1 and a half meter away from his head, it might not be powerful enough to stop the strike from cleaving through, but it might prevent damage unto himself if an explosion were to occur, nonetheless, it would at least mitigate the beast's strike. Even for a bit.