Rose paced around the console room, waiting for the tea to boil. She wrung her hands in worry. What was she going to do? She couldn't bear it if the Doctor died. She herself hadn't slept for days and she barely left his bedside. "Rose," She heard a voice calling out to her. The Doctor needed her. Picking up the tea and setting it on a tray, she rushed to find his room. She always had trouble finding all the rooms on the TARDIS. It's like they kept rearranging themselves. When she finally found his room, she struggled to open the door, awkwardly balancing the tray while she fiddled with the handle. When she finally managed to get the door open, she nearly broke into tears at the sight. "Doctor," She set the tray down on a chair and tried to help the man back into his bed. "You shouldn't be standing," She quavered. "You know you're sick."