"Hey kid, keep pressure on on that wound. DO NOT take pressure off it." Ace said in a stern voice. Sendo was a tuff old bird and should survive. Provided that nothing else happened to him of course. He ran of with the girl, or women he wasn't sure of her age but she did look much younger than she should for a lieutenant. That thought a lone bothered him, he was only 25 and a Chief Petty Officer. It was an astoundingly high rank for his age. Most all of his ranks came from his willingness and bravery in the battle field. It was rank that came with plenty of knowledge and privilege but with his reputation around ORB bring that of an unstable drunk. Most things were kept from him. He couldn't really blame them all much it, who could? He couldn't remember the girl or women's name Sat... Something or other. He did however do his best to listen to her. Until the sound of gun fire came out too close for comfort. When he heard the gun fire and saw Satawhatever take a round to her shoulder. He dropped, and drew his weapon. He had his own way of holding and aiming most all of his small arms. Upon drawing his weapon, Ace inserted his middle finger into the trigger well and ran his index finger along the edge of the unused tactical rail and fired three shots. This allowed from much quicker target acquisition. By doing this, all he had to do was point his finger, rather than looking down the sights of his small arms. Each of the three shots hit their intended targets of victims chest. He admired her next words of "I'm fine let's keep moving." Even though he knew it was a lie. "I'll take the point till we can get you're shoulder wrapped up. We don't need the dripping blood tell everyone where we are." Without giving her time to respond Ace ran towards the hanger that she had pointed to. His only real question was what where they after? It had to be something huge for anyone to risk an attack like this.