Jax dug his heels into the horse's side, the beast breaking into a gallop. Jax wondered if he should speak to the woman, he had yet to even hear her name. Nor had he actually introduced himself beyond the honorific of being the second son to the king. Perhaps making one another at least remotely familiar would make this ride more bearable, probably not, but it was worth a shot wasn't it? The inn was beginning to meld into the horizon as they rode along, the sun just reaching its apex for the day, marking that there was still half a day worth of riding to be had. If Jax rushed and rode from dawn till dusk every day, they would reach castle Reinhardt in just shy of a week. Or so he guessed. It had been awhile since he took his leave and his path was not exactly linear. "The name's Jax," he said after they had been riding for nearly half an hour, the silence finally beginning to get under his skin. "My apologies for being rather... brash earlier." He went on, giving a glance behind him to make sure the girl was still, in fact, riding right behind him, "I'm a soldier, not a diplomat. So those kind of situations aren't my forte." Jax wondered what the girl would say to him, if she would even respond to him. He couldn't blame her if she didn't. It was difficult enough to be picked up by a lackey of the king and be hauled off. The lackey trying to make small talk would only make things less uncomfortable, Jax thought with a thin grimace.