[b][u]Aurora Claudwell[/u][/b] Rory's attention switched back to Alicia at the prompted question. "We used to party, y'know, pre-mutant days," she joked. Part of her felt bad for dragging them around the school when all they likely wanted to do was catch up with everyone, but the more selfish part just knew that she needed her friends. They helped her to focus on the present, when her burdened mind was constantly wandering towards the past. She wished she could tell them how much they were helping her now, simply by carrying casual conversation, but there were more pressing matters. Naka seemed to close the discussion on her mutation with that statement. Obviously, Rory was curious, but she let it slide. Her mutation would come to light eventually, everyones did here, and she wasn't likely to get her to spill details in front of Luna and Alicia, whom she had never met before. Even she had to admit that she didn't know Naka all that well, aside from how well you could get to know someone over blaring music and suspicious plastic solo cups. These concerns, no matter how valid, flew from her mind as they entered the infirmary. Her focus was easily stolen by the shockingly gorgeous man behind the counter. She caught Naka's view of unbelief, and returned it in kind. How had she been going to school here for months, and never noticed this guy? In fairness, Rory didn't require use of the clinic all that often. Being as quick as she was on her feet kept her out of most trouble, and the few trips she had made here she assumed must not have been on his shift. She would have [i]definitely[/i] remembered this guy. She observed as the dreamy doctor treated Naka, feeling a mixture of amusement and subtle envy. She had been leaning against the wall of the doorway, observing when he turned those warm brown eyes her way. She was only the [i]slightest[/i] bit tickled that he knew her name. Tilting her head, she gave him a charming sort of smile that softened out her hazel eyes. "Of course, Colin," she chimed, as if there were no better way she could be spending her day, "Thank you [i]so[/i] much for your help." Sometimes, her upper-class social graces were quite useful. She gave a nod to Naka, and gestured towards the door. A mischievous smile played on her features as she lead Naka from the room. Once they had safely exited, she gave a snicker of laugher. It seemed that her flirtation with Mender had been playful in nature. "I think I may need some 'mending' in the future," she teased, giving a wink to Naka. She was already walking in the direction of the kitchen, leading the foursome as a casual pace, the heels of her boots clicking against the hard flooring and her dark hair dancing around her bare shoulders, left uncovered by the summery blouse she wore. "Shame that I've never met him before." It would be brief journey to reach the kitchen, which was placed along the route the front office. Once there, Rory knew well enough to help herself to a bottled beverage in the refrigerator, which she displayed to Naka for approval. It was a chilled bottle of sweetened lemonade. "There's water in here somewhere..." she added as she rummaged about a few different packages, as an alternative if her friend turned the sweet drink down.