hello this is space stations here are the rules for the roleplay 1 don't meta game,you cannot do stuff like 10000 ships come out of nowhere and blow you all up to smithereens 2 you do not know what everyone else is doing unless they are near you are tell you 3 do not talk like this irk all dez dargons 4 try to be mature any law violation will get your posts deleted ________________________story line__________________________________ it is 100 months after earth was turned into a wasteland,now there are plenty of planets everywhere and corporations are the new goverment here is some more info about the story line factions :nanotrasen,nanotrasen is the worlds biggest corporation,theres a rumor that nanotrasen is actually the sovet union after world war 3 ,they're main resource is plasma which is mined off of asteriods or humongous balls of burning plasma,nanotrasen builds humongous space stations here is a bunch of them 1 mining station 16 the mining station 16 is a mining station that mines alot of plasma it is one of nanotrasens most guarded space stations,the research station,the rs station is a station that digs for rare materials on a asteriod something always goes wrong here,main station,main station is the biggest station of them all all of nanotrasens plasma goes here to get researched,central command aka centcom,centcom is a command station that sends emergancy response teams to stations that are having trouble and sometimes the deathsquad,centcom also hires workers here to go to the station and centcom is used as a evacuation point for space stations the syndicate is a group of criminals heck bent on destroying everything nanotrasen and all the other factions are trying to do but there are more than one syndicate groups here they are in order to strongest to weakest 1 cybershun,cybershun is a research base on a robot planet controlled by evil robots ,cybershun syndicates are android humans with missions like be part of the crew and steal a research device,cybershun are friends with m113 because secretly m113 is the same as cybershun but instead they send spys instead of robot androids 2 [i skipped m113 because they're the same as cybershun] tiger corporation,tiger corporation is not a business its a group of space faring people who believe they have seen a mystical alien race and decided to avenge the people who killed the alien race because the alien race was suppost to be extinct they often send kill squads to blow up a base and kill everyone there was a rumor that they had a brainslug in there head that controls them 3 gorlax squad,gorlax squad is a group of people that believe the rumors about nanotrasen being the sovet union and often brainwash a crewmember to start a revoultion againist nanotrasen so they do not have to do any killing gorlax squad is friends with donk corp due to the fact that they hate nanotrasen as well,gorlax is enemys of waffle corp because waffle corp hates donk corp 4 donk corp is a business that makes hot pockets called donk pockets but the corporation is just a cover up for a group of space priates that wanna steal all of nanotrasens cash they are friends with the gorlax and enemys to waffle corp due to the fact that they are richer than donk corp 5 waffle corp,waffle corp is a evil waffle corporation that sells the universes best waffles rumor has it that the waffles are drugged waffle corp,the leaders of waffle corp have sick minds and will often harm there soldiers for fun and send soldiers to nanotrasen for entertainment waffle corp hates donk corp thats enough syndicate crap now heres another faction [a small 1] PMC,pmc is a group of mercenarys often hired to protect space stations they have 1 space station of there own which is a training place and the main base of PMC and 1 ship which sends the mercs to the space stations earth revival corporation is a group of people that want to terraform earth to live the glory of the modern era where it was not destroyed but they frequently fail due to mutants over runing there terraforming devices and destroying them locations earth,earth is a wasteland that mutants roam all day long there was rumors that theres a broken space station that the sovet union built to launch nukes at the earth the parplana triangle,the parplana triangle is a triangle of planets [not literally like the barmedua triangle] there was many space ships and space stations getting destoryed without and evidence of bad stuff but theres evidence of laser fire,there was rumors that there was a alien space ship called the white ship thats destorying them marandi solar system,this place is the most dangerous in the world due to evil ships with necromorphs [a zombish race] that kill people,noone has ever found a planet but there was rumors that there was a planet called marandi that was once thriving with population but they declared themselves independant from nanotrasen and nanotrasen sent them a nasty virus which kills eveyone and those who survived turned into necromorphs magkita solar system is a solar system where the PMCS are along with nanotrasen there was also a robot planet that nanotrasen keeps trying to take back from the robots soleris system is a empty system with a few planets rumor has it that the syndicate has hidden bases there planet harock is a planet inside of magkita were there are purple aliens from the movie alien that go to stations and murder people character format must look like this name,job,backstory,age,race [machine or human],helmit,masks,body armor,uniform,back pack,stuff in backpack,shoes