I'm Interested... [b]Name:[/b] Marei (Muh-Rye) Zalto Age: 21 Gender: Male Personality: Fun-loving and amiable, Rei likes to make other people happy. He can have a depressing mood when not around many others. Appearance: [img] https://p.gr-assets.com/540x540/fit/hostedimages/1379781778/423795.jpg [/img] Brief History: Marei grew up as the only child of the best mechanics in Detroit; he was around cars and motorcycles from the moment he could walk, and has been fixing them since he could hold a wrench. He's at college on an auto-shop/Mechanic scholarship, and won the ticket for the cruise in a student raffle. Up for love: Indeed Sexuality: Gay Other: He's actually intelligent, but doesn't show it much since he just wants to work on cars and motorcycles.