[b]Well hello there. Sorry this page is a bit blank but I'm going to be putting together an RP here. It might take about a week or two to finish so Ill be updating this as I go. The reason why I'm not just working on it in a .docx is because eventually Id like some feed back possibly before I finish. Cheers and here's to hoping people like it![/b] [center]=====================================================================================================[/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/p2Sr272.png?1?1859[/img][/center] [center][img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/078/c/4/last_kingdom_by_donmalo-d5yjvo5.jpg[/img][/center]Credit: danmalo from deviantart --- [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/IuiJr5V.png?1?3695[/img][/center] --- [Hider=Let's clear the table: What the heck is Science Fantasy?!] Well, if you were wondering what Science Fantasy was, and you didn't have the cognitive dexterity to google it, let me help you. [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Science_fantasy]Here[/url] is a good ol' link that will run you through what Science Fantasy is and how it's different from science fiction. I'll be honest with ya, I had an image in my head of what I wanted this RP to be like, but I had no idea what genre it was. Thus, I too had no clue what Science fantasy was until I did some google-snooping. Now we've all learned something (except for the smart lads who already knew)! Yay! Now, as you can see from that link, Science fantasy has various subgenres. In regard to my Role Play, think Final Fantasy. If you don't know what Final Fantasy is, then other than me being obscenely disappointed in you, and you haven't done that google thing again, let me try and explain it for ya. Basically, imagine swords and spears and castles, plus magics like fire and thunder, and species other than humans like elves or vierra. Then throw in a bit of technology like guns, computers, and flying airships. Sometimes, there are devices that run both on technology and magic, other times you can't tell if it runs on technology [i]or[/i] magic. A lot of these things are [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retrofuturism]retrofuturistic[/url]. [/hider] [b][u]Onto the Mythological, Philosophical, and Scientificological (yes I made that word up) Underpinnings of this Role Play![/u][/b] Now, you don't have to read all of this if you don't want to. Though, if you're adventurous and fervid, then by all means, it's there for you to read! However, if you're as lazy as I am, skip to the section that reads 'I was lazy and did read any of that'. [hider=test] [u]God[/u] Concerning the ontological argument: First, let's start by proving God's existence in a humorous way. First, we have to start by defining the perfect boyfriend. Weird, I know, but follow me on this one! The perfect boyfriend would be powerful, intelligent, attractive, humorous, caring, loving, kind, generous, supportive, prompt, polite, etc, etc. Now, wouldn't he be even [i]better[/i] if all those characteristics were infinitely what they were? Infinitely powerful? Infinitely intelligent? Well, that's rhetorical, so I'll cut to the chase and say, he would be. So now we have the infinitely powerful and intelligent and kind and loving boyfriend (I think you can see where I'm going here), but, would he be 'perfect' if he did not exist? Another rhetorical, [i]no[/i] he wouldn't! He'd be the opposite of perfect! Now, if God where to be defined as the perfect being, well, wouldn't he also [i]have[/i] to exist? Existence is a quality he must posses if he is perfect. Otherwise, he wouldn't be perfect! Thus, God, by definition, [i]must[/i] exist! Here is the actual argument presented by Anselm: 1. Our understanding of God is a being than which no greater can be conceived.. 2. The idea of God exists in the mind. 3. A being that exists both in the mind and in reality is greater than a being that exists only in the mind. 4. If God only exists in the mind, then we can conceive of a greater being—that which exists in reality. 5. We cannot imagine something that is greater than God. 6. Therefore, God exists. Concerning the mythology of God and Creation: Alright, now that we got through that silly argument, we can move on (otherwise I'd get some smartalec asking, "well what if God [i]didn't[/i] exist? Wouldn't that throw a wrench in your entire story?"). Anyways, before the world existed, before the universe existed, there was God. Just God. And there he was, in all his majesty, alone, just, yknow, hanging out. And, as you could have guessed, he was bored as hell (lol). So, he decided, in his immeasurable wisdom, that he'd split himself into two so that he could enjoy the company of another. And so he did. And they got along quite well, but, something still wasn't right. He still felt lonely and he was still fairly bored, despite the company of his clone (and well, his clone felt the same way, bored and lonely). Just imagine trying to play something like chess with yourself... you know everything that you're going to do. Its pretty lame. So God put on his thinking cap and thought how he could solve this problem. He wanted to love something. And he wanted it to love him back. But how? Finally, God came up with a solution. [b]BOOM![/b] God split himself into an innumerable amount of pieces. This is sometimes referred to as The Big Bang by scientists. Now, I know what you're wondering. You're wondering how The Big Bang could have been God splitting himself. After all, all that came from The Big Bang was cosmic dust. Well, every single piece cosmic dust that shot through space was a piece of God. (Also, why was everything a piece of him and why didnt he just create the universe instead of splitting himself as he did? Well, because, let's be real, you can't make something out of nothing. Its a logical impossibility.) You see, God had a plan. God needed all these pieces of himself to forget what they were. He needed them to forget that they were God. He also needed them to be as far from his likeness as possible. How does this solve God's problem of being bored and lonely? You see, when God split himself the first time, the reason it didn't solve his problem is because it still knew it was God. But now, all these things had no idea what they were. Since these things did not know what they were, they could love each other!. He would create the universe, and in return, it would love him. It would love itself. However, there was a little more to God's plan. God noticed once two of the parts began to love one another, they began to merge and integrate into one (reminiscent of marriage/friendship and the union of two souls). Even his non-conscious parts, when separated, would move to rejoin and reform (reminiscent of The Big Crunch). So, God made did several things in order to prolong his inevitable reconstruction. First, to prevent all of himself from reforming, he split himself into millions of non-living pieces. These pieces would interact and change and form new pieces. God then created living organisms that would reproduce to further his divisions. Then, the most important step, God made an infinite amount of universes. These universes were made so that every possible thing that could exist, would exist. Every possible outcome, every possible decision, had its own universe. Thus, while some universes had series of events that may have led to a faster unification, others may take longer. However, these universes were organized in a very specific way. In order to explain it, imagine these universes as layers. In one universe, there is a young writer making this RP. In the one right below it, this same young writer, decides to use just one word differently. And in the one below that, another different word. The farther you get from that one universe, the more differences. Universes that are very far might not even have the same species, cultures, or even worlds. Imagine, a different universe for every possible occurrence. Simply from the butterfly effect, if one slight change happened far into the past, the future could look vastly different. Thus, the amount of possible universes is quite extensive. [u]Concerning Gravity[/u] Now, I know what you're thinking, "I know how gravity works!". And well, you'd be pretty wrong. This is because even scientists don't fully understand how gravity works. They know the laws of gravity, but, they don't know why those laws are true. Bodies of mass create gravitational fields that pull other bodies of mass towards them. Why does this happen? No fucking clue. Anyways, lets talk about the laws of gravity. Now, as I just mentioned, bodies of mass create gravitational fields that pull other bodies of mass towards them. Every single body of mass has a gravitational pull. Every star, every planet, every comet, every moon, every plane, bird, brick, person, bug, and amoeba. They all have a gravitational field around them pulling other bodies of mass to them. However, the larger the body of mass, the stronger the gravitational field becomes. This, and I'm about to say something quite profound, is because mass bends time and space. An easy way to think about this is to imagine balls on a trampoline. Now, when you place a large ball on the trampoline, the trampoline will bend downward. When you place smaller balls on the trampoline, however, the trampoline won't seem to bend at all. When you place a big ball next to a small ball, the bending of the trampoline from the big ball will cause the small ball to be pulled toward the bigger ball. Big balls, when placed in close proximity of each other will result in both balls rolling toward each other. Small balls, when placed in close proximity of each other will have seemingly no effects. Now, these big balls represent large bodies of mass like planets while the small balls represent small bodies of mass like humans or anything else on earth. The trampoline represents time and space. Though, the limits of this analogy is that the trampoline is 2-dimensional while gravity is 3-dimensional. Concerning Black Holes: No one is quite sure what black holes are exactly but there are some theories. However, it seems that in the center of a black hole is an incredibly dense, yet small object. Its mass is incredibly large, but its size is incredibly small. Let us return to the trampoline analogy for a moment. Imagine a human standing on a trampoline, legs apart. The trampoline will dip. Now, this same person stands on one foot. The trampoline will dip lower where that person's foot it. This is similar to the black hole. It is believed that black holes are a result of a star going super nova. Whats left after the star's explosion is a highly dense white dwarf. However, larger stars will leave a black hole. In the analogy, when the person was standing with both feet, this was a representation of when the star was still around. However, when this person stands on one foot, this is when the black hole is formed. The same weight is being applied to the trampoline just as the same mass is being kept within the black hole. However, the bend in the trampoline, as well as time as space, is quite different. Now, this isn't a hole exactly. It simply looks like one. The 'dip in the trampoline' is so large, that not even light can escape its gravitational pull. And since we receive no light from that spot, it appears black to us. [u]Putting it all together[/u] Alright, so, let's back track a little bit. We gathered that everything that can exist will exist via multiple universes. Now, imagine these universes as layers, each layer above or below another, but separate. We also talked about gravity and how it can be thought of in relation to a trampoline, in that it can bend time and space. Now, what would happen if time and space were bent so far, by a black hole, that it collided into an adjacent universe? Many theorists believe that black holes lead to another dimension. Thus, my story. [/hider] [hider=I was Lazy and didnt read any of that!] Alright, here is the fastest run down of that information I can give you. Basically, imagine that there is an infinite amount of universes. These universes are layered on top of one another but separate. These universes consist of every possible option that could have ever existed. Every universe only different from the next by a tiny bit, a measly change in events. However, the further you get from one universe, the more different they get. Now, gravity causes these universes to bend, which is essentially the bending of space and time. However, when a black hole occurs, it is possible for one of these universes to bend so far that it collides with another universe. Thus, my story.[/hider] --- [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/eQuH7T7.png?1?4377[/img][/center] --- [u]The Second Big Bang[/u] Looking back, I think it all started around the year 2020. The world looked quite similar to yours (yes, reader, yours). Science had advanced to the point where we could blow up the world a thousand times and save it a thousand times. Now don't get me wrong, we [i]did[/i] have the technology to save the world a thousand times, we just didn't care to make those technologies... but I digress. Flying cars still weren't a thing but we did get hover boards, which were pretty cool. War was getting less and less commonplace, though, we feared if a war did break out, it would be the last. But most importantly, nearly everyone had ceased believing in anything that science couldn't prove. Ghosts, magic, even love and God, were all cast aside for things like chemistry and physics. Subjectivity was becoming a dirty word and imagination was for children only. And so, by the year 2050, novels were no longer science fiction but just science. Any kind of abstract art was replaced with photo realism. The world cinema became synonymous with documentary film. Interestingly enough, most people were okay with this. Anything else, to them, was a waste of time. Why waste time on fiction, something that wasn't real, when you could be learning about something that actually happened while receiving the same amount of entertainment? Hell, neuropsychology was on the verge of understanding the brain to such fine detail as to be able to control every action we made. Love? That was but the release and reuptake of specific chemicals in the brain. Our lives became norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine, serotonin, and more. Though, there were a small few who fought against this. They ironically took the name of 'Drones', to show what we would become if we kept down the path we were taking. They were an underground group that originally only hoarded subjective material before it was destroyed (not that anyone was particularly destroying them. They simply didn't care to keep them around and thus carelessly discarded them, which, in turn, damaged them or lost them entirely). The Holy Bible, The Starry Night, The Picture of Dorian Gray. But soon, they began adopting 'subjective' ideas. They began believing in an afterlife, ghosts, god, magic, and love. Many believed that the Drones took up these beliefs just to spite the rest of the world. Regardless, after they began this trend, they quickly became a farce. It was one thing to attempt to preserve artifacts that were important to history; it was another to believe in ghosts and magic! Ridiculous. And now, from where you sit, you're probably thinking the Drones are the good guys, the underdogs that were fighting for the things you still know and love, against the ridicule of the majority. Well, black and white quickly became gray when the Drones finally found the truth. The drones had somehow found that some of those things actually existed, particularly magic. It's still unknown if the Drones had a goal in mind or if they were just going through every magic spell they could find. Finding spells were rare enough, and none of them ever worked, so they acted out every one they could get their hands on, in hopes of finding one that was true. Well, they couldn't have found a more unfortunate incantation. You see, it was a summoning spell. By reiterating a specific text, one could summon a being from another world. How did it work? Not that many knew, but I, the omniscient narrator, can fill you in. In essence, it bent time and space. It bent time and space so much that it could collide with another universe. Once there, the target need only take a step and, [b]pop[/p] it was in the universe of the caster. However, the spell canceled out the gravitational effects that should accompany such a wild bending of time and space. Now, magic, being the finicky thing that it is, needs to be done in very specific ways. Ways that the Drones knew nothing of. And so, the spell was not cast properly, but cast it was. For one, the bend in time and space had no kind of limit. It bent until it reached another universe, and kept bending. It bent through layers upon layers of universes. Hundreds, thousands, millions. Even worse, the spell’s effect to cancel gravity, yeah, that didn't happen at all. And so, instead of pulling a creature to their universe, the Drones, along with millions of other beings (as the spell only allowed the travel of living organisms) from millions of other universes, were pulled into the vortex that they created. Finally, when they reached the bottom of this monster that they had created, they were cast into an unknown world. [Hider=A recount of The Second Big Bang, told by the Head Sage of Dymont, Satrina Moore] “We sat, five of us, huddled in a circle on the floor of an old abandoned super-apartment. The candle flame in the middle of us danced in the cold wind that blew through the shattered fibro-windows that lined the wall. Not many of us came to these things anymore, as they were usually disappointments. However, those of us who did still managed to find the excitement in it. Dressing up in old garbs, finding your way into decrepit old buildings, holding hands and chanting. Usually the spell books we found were old and tattered, covered in dust. The book we had found this time looked as though it hadn't been opened in ages. Even if the spell didn't work, it was enough excitement for me. Jennielle was the one to read the inscriptions this time. I loved when she read. She had an air about her when she read that seemed so fantastical. If anyone had the ability to cast a spell, it was her. When she began to read, somehow I knew it was working. I could feel the energy between us five women circulate. It passed through our hands, from one to another. My spirit was theirs and theirs mine. It was like nothing I had ever felt before. Jennielle’s voice grew, as did the wind that came through the fibo-window. The candle flame became mad, dancing and bursting. Only for the slightest moment had I felt an itch of fear. But then, the thought of proving everyone wrong sang through me. We were right. No longer would we be shunned! Everything in the room began to swirl around us. The old rotten furniture, the broken pieces of fibro-glass, the supplies we had brought. Our hair now thrashed in the winds that encircled us, yet Jennielle’s voice still overcame everything. We were right! The loudest sound I had ever heard, like an explosion of a nuclear-DAD, erupted from everywhere at once. The floor began to twist and turn and pull. It looked as if it were a rug, and someone had pinched it in the center and began to twist it. We were on that rug, being pulled slowly toward its middle. We were right! We were right! Our hands still locked, we watched in amazement. Though, once we reached that swirling center, we began to panic. Jennielle was the first to reach it, as she sat slightly closer to the center of the circle than the rest of us. We watched in horror as her legs began to twist and turn, just as the floor was. She shrieked and tried to flee but she couldn't. She reached for help but the rest of the girls broke away and began to run. I had lost every bit of confidence I once held and attempted to escape as well but Jennielle was still gripping my hand. She pleaded for help, for me to help pull her out but I instead tried only to loosen her grip. Jennielle was knee deep now, and she didn't have long. Once she realized I wouldn't help, she began screaming obscenities at me. She pulled my hand closer to her now. She wanted to take me with her. Time had never moved so slowly in my entire life. I kicked and screamed but Jennielle’s grip was that of a dying woman. She would never let go. By the time I realized this, Jennielle was no longer screaming. Her face had lowered and I could see her crying. She accepted her fat. And so I accepted mine. I was going with her. I leaned closer to her and wrapped my arms around her waist, of which was nearly in the vortex. She looked up at me and I kissed her. We died together.” [/hider] --- [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/pMSLCm9.png?1?2751[/img][/center] --- [center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/JSLBt6V.jpg?1[/IMG][/center]Credit: falviobolla from deviantart 50 Years later [b][u]Species, Races, and Peoples.[/u][/b] [b][u]Magics and Technologies[/u][/b] [b][u]Role Play Stuffs[/u][/b] Character sheets, rules, blah blah blah.