Father Jones was sat in his big comfy chair in the den. "So much information so many targets never enough time" Blissfully unaware of the now gathered thieves in the Hall, He continued to mutter to himself wondering how long it would take before this information could be put to use. Once he had sorted everything in a list of important information and not so, he patted around for his staff, in his old age he couldn't walk that far Nor walk without his staff, He did think that one of the buggers down here stole it or fenced it off, until he remembered he sold the real solid gold staff for a hefty sum, and now uses a replica, A Fake. He looked around the chair base but still couldn't see it. "Oi Which one of you buggers took my staff again, i'm looking at you Robb Ya slimy sod" He chuckled to himself, he knew full well it was fun and games but he didn't dare walk without it. "Unless you want some juicy information, on a Safe or two i suggest you give it back, also where is that Nutty Professor!? I need my medicine!"