[b][i]Kingdom of Torfas[/i][/b] [hider=Nation Status] [b]Current Leader/Government: High King Cryoss Soulfell VI/Monarch[/b] [b]Settlements Owned: 4[/b]# [b]Provinces Owned: 1[/b]# [b]Population: 200.000[/b]# [b]Standing Army: [/b] [indent] - /<100>/<100 %> - /<1.000>//<100 %> - /<874>//<87 %> - /<936>//<84 %> - /<954>//<85 %> - /<1.000>//<83 %> - /<250>//<100 %> - /<750>//<100 %> - /<213>//<82 %> - /<233>//<84 %> - /<218>//<84 %> - /<250>//<84 %>[/indent] [b]Standing Navy:[/b] [indent]- /<# 33>/<# 6>/<# 4>//<75 %> - /<# 3>/<# 3>/<# 0>//<100 %>[/indent] [b]Population Happiness: 75 %[/b] [b]Imports:Ship (Bahapore)[/b] [b]Exports: Iron (Bahapore) And Bronze ()[/b] [b]Wealth: Average[/b] [b]Alliances:[/b] [b]Trade Pacts: Bahapore[/b] [b]Cease Fires:[/b] [/hider] [hider=Elthana Campaign Map][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/S4YIjuG.jpg[/IMG][/hider] --- Elthana Campaign --- [i]Right Arm Fort Siege[/i] The plan goes pretty well, all of Elthana patrol ship is going back to the western island, the path is cleared even though it must cost some ships, the plan goes on, as predicted, the Elthanian guard is alarmed for the incoming assault, alarmed but not ready, the first to besieged is the Right and the Left arm fort, it can be seen from the approaching galleon, the elves is busy as hell, the archer is preparing on top of the fort, rallying, and preparing for the incoming High orc invasion, but it is not enough, while the ship is disembarking orcs, the ship captain shout, "Fire!" 20 cannons shooting at once, 10 cannons in each ship floor, damaging the fort gate. "Charge! repel those filthy orc from our land, hold them in bay while waiting for the reinforcement from the west island!" the commander of the elven guard yell from top of the broken gate. "Show them what we, the orc of Torfas can do!" General Laugon Windsong, the leader of the Right arm fort raid, yell to his soldier, while pointing the broken gate swarming with charging elves with his black sword, Laugon yelled "Charge!, For The King!" his war cry make the spirit of all soldier burning, "For the King!" the soldier shout while charging to the incoming elves. The elf is basically outnumbered, but their skilled archer is doing well to repel the high orc axeman, the axeman fall, but their soldier fall quicker due to orc skilled gunner, the fight was not last an hour, the elf is surrendering themselves, their reinforcement is not coming, the orc quickly move the captured elves to the ship, "you will wait there until the war is over, our king will decide what will happen to you next." said the ship captain. Looking at the aftermath, there is dead body everywhere, fallen axeman, gunner, archer, and soldier is just laid on the ground, sword and axe, shields, gun and bow, the battle is hard even for the outnumbering orc, General Laugon, the leader of the raid is waiting on the captured fort office, the sun is raising and the battle is over for two hours, suddenly the second in charge captain is entering the room, "General, the result of the fight" said the captain as he give a letter to Laugon, "hmm, we totally crush them, they only got 250 troops here, they lost almost all of the troops and the rest is captured, while we lost 126 axeman and 37 gunner, the elven archer is sure skilled, we shall give the fallen soldier our last honour first." the general said. A messenger come into the office, "General Laugon, letter from General Gardakk Ironwood" as the messenger give Laugon a letter, "it looks like Gardakk won the battle, they are more luckier than us, the army there is lesser than here," "let us rest for now captain, scan the area, i need to know what is waiting for us," said Laugon as he read the letter. [i]Lightwood siege[/i] The army is already marching straight to the collapsed city wall where the elves are ready to be crushed, Darchow Darkfang, the leader of the siege is shouting instruction carefully, "Axeman, Charge in, the gunner will aid you from behind, make wave, split to two group, one from the hole another from the gate, Gunner, split, 50 each, make ranks of 10, care for the archers at wall," Darchow command his man, while slashing incoming enemy with his black halberd. The elves is quickly outnumbered, as soon as the army breakthrough the city wall, they surrendered, the casualties for both side is not many since the elven side surrender quickly, they are greatly outnumbered by the orc force. "capture all remaining elf, we will send them to the ship as we take across to the main east island this afternoon, we can take a rest for a moment, captain, take your man and find us some meat in the city, and secure some supply that we need and bring it to the port." said Darchow as he command his man. The city is already empty when the force disembarking, there are only the defending troops, the word is spread quicker than he though, but the plan goes well, next phase is waiting till the afternoon and launch the attack to the city of Moonshade. [i]Crescent Settlement siege[/i] Actually the siege to this area are not really hard, this area only inhabited by elves that work in the woods, but this area is the key for the Elthana bow and arrow supply, so Gruul decide that this area also need to be secured, "Kill all resistant, capture every surrendered elves, search the bow workshop, gather all information, books, parchment, letter, all kind of information about how they make their bow and arrow also how they train their archer, we need the information." This area are also have been abandoned, it is looked from the fireplace that not extinguished, smoke from the fire pit, some unfinished bow and arrow, lit smelter, it's look like they leave in a hurry, "as soon as the ship arrived, we shall cross the sea, next to Moonshade plain, after that prepare to make siege tower and ram, we will need it, to conquer moonshade this night." said Gruul to his man who still searching the entire settlement.