[b][i][u]Luna Marionette[/b][/i][/u] Luna's gaze shifted to Naka briefly as they moved off down the hallway, she wasn't sure about her and she wasn't very efficient at hiding the fact she was making her feel uncomfortable. In her defense it had taken a lot of effort to reach a happy medium when it came to talking to Alicia and Rory, she wasn't as on edge around them. Having a new face within the group...[i]Should you even be considering this a group?[/i] she twitched her head flicking her blonde fringe from her eyes in the process, she had almost missed Alicia's answer to her question. Once she had refocused on Alicia she was able to take in everything she said the left corner of her mouth twitched up pulling her mouth into a small smile. "Good to hear you at least got out on occasion, how is your little brother doing?" Luna spoke somewhat hesitantly, as if she was really thinking on what she was saying, unlike before vacation where she practically blurted out whatever sprung to the front of her mind. Despite the fact she was acting rather peculiarly she continued. She screwed up her nose as Alicia reversed her question and asked her what she'd been up to, her gaze drifted to Naka and Rory walking ahead of them briefly before returning to Alicia. "It was good, traveled mainly from one party to the next, didn't really settle anywhere for long. I would probably describe it as a bit of a blur" Luna admitted, a secretive smirk replacing her previous smile, she didn't offer Alicia any other details though preferring to leave the girls innocence on the subject intact. She raised an eyebrow as Alicia's attention returned to Rory, her own curiosity peaked at Rory's answer. [i]Pre-mutant days? What a concept[/i] She stayed silent for a while quite happily following along behind Rory like a well behaved puppy, she had questions but she wasn't sure how to breach any of them into the conversation. [i]I wonder when classes will start up...I hope I haven't lost my edge[/i] She was distracted for a moment and wasn't looking where she was going which meant she almost collided with Rory when she stopped outside of the infirmary, quick reflexes allowed her to dart to the side, sliding between Alicia and Rory to stand a little further out in the corridor as Naka entered the infirmary. She lifted her hand to subtly play with her hair as they waited, her other arm folding across her chest resting under her bust as she glanced down the corridor eyes taking in the familiar wooden texture of the school trying to ignore the conversation happening within the infirmary however her interest peaked as she noted the flirtatious chime to Rory's voice, she shifted forward a questioning smile on her face [i]Oh my...[/i] Of course her eyes instantly located the reasoning behind it, the rather good looking gentlemen in the grey scrubs she wasn't ashamed to admit his appearance alone made her a little hot under the collar. The infirmary wasn't somewhere she'd had to visit at all since she'd been here, who'd have thought fast regeneration could have been a curse? She rolled her eyes at Rory's comment as her and Naka reappeared from the infirmary, she didn't follow the trio straight away as they moved off she chewed her lip and lingered by the infirmary door. After a moment more she moved off down the hall thinking better of showing herself up on her first day, that thought coupled with the 'lecture' she could already hear Marlowe...Mr Faraday giving her caused her to walk the short distance to the kitchen to catch up with the others. "Third package at the back, i can see them from here" Luna interrupted her tone teasing as she appeared beside Rory a sly smile on her face as she reached over the other woman's shoulder pointing at the package for good measure, shifting her gaze to rest on Naka. "Naka is it? Since we're kind of following you about...may as well introduce ourselves I'm Luna and this is Alicia" Luna spoke rather directly, signalling Alicia as she said her name. She watched Naka carefully regardless of her reaction Luna felt better for finally breaching the conversation and in a polite-ish manner to boot, she was on a roll today.