No image- I can never seem to find one. Just imagine that right here is a picture of a desiccated corpse sitting cross-legged in a chair. His skin (From what you can see of it- mostly on his face, as it is the part least covered by thin strips of yellowish bandages) is the lovely color and texture of beef jerky. He is dressed in outdated clothing. Dark eyes peer severely at you through spectacles as withered fingers turn the page of a thick book he was reading. [b]Name:[/b] He has had many names that have risen and fallen with the sands, but one of them stands as an obelisk throughout it: Khaemtir. [b]Species:[/b] Mummy [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] Around 3000, but due to the miracles of preservatives, he doesn't look a day over 1000! [b]Occupation:[/b] Freelance magician. Many people in Gravetown have some magical talent, but few have the experience to dispel an Anomaly that's formed in their home, or to cast a veil in time for the dance, or to pass the Magic 203 final without tutoring. It's a broad topic, but after this long a little variance is exactly what he needs. [b]Personality:[/b] When a graverobber first woke Khaemtir some few hundred years after his demise, he was a little bit miffed about it. He appears to have carried this general sentiment all throughout his unlife. It's not really that he means to be rude, sullen, and patronizing, it's just that he's a bit of a bitter old man. After so many years the world starts moving too fast, and rather than walk away Khaemtir would much rather have everyone else calm down and take a seat, thank you very much. For someone with flesh dry enough to be used for tinder, he's a surprisingly wet blanket. [b]Bio:[/b] In life, Khaemtir was an Egyptian sorcerer-priest. When the pharoh died, Khaemtir was fairly willing (Not the he had an outstanding amount of choice in the matter) to be mummified and entombed along with him, to better serve him in the afterlife. Well, that didn't happen. Aside from the one graverobber, of course. A scholar at heart, Khaemtir used his newfound immortality to learn. For many years he wandered the world, visiting all the greatest libraries, learning languages, and his favorite art, honing his magical abilities. Such intellectual pursuits kept his mind off of the dull, ever present aching pain that came with his condition. But sometime during Europe's dark ages, he became frustrated with the relative stagnation all around the globe, and set his sights on Gravetown. Gravetown became a place of permanent residence, as it often does to the undead. Nowadays Khaemtir operates a small office in the Crypt district, with business on the first floor and living space in the lower. [b]Stuff you often carry:[/b] Usually carries whatever book he's reading and enough spare bandages to repair any mishaps he might have. Besides that is his wallet, house key, and clothes. [b]Type of magic, if any:[/b] Khaemtir is a potent magician, but he doesn't value raw strength much. He views himself as a bit of an artist, crafting his spells with finesse and efficiency in mind, rather than just throwing power at the problem. While he can work all types of magic with proficiency, he favors earth and air over fire and water. [b]Anything else?:[/b] Lemon mint smells lovely, don't you think? Turns out I'm not quite as busy today as I thought. Also, is the Crypt district underground? It seems to be, but you never directly said it.