There was nothing more annoying than coming face to face with some form of ‘hero’. Hero ha! The word itself was a joke. Why someone would actually want to be stand up for the low down dirty people of the city. A long sigh left her, a sigh of annoyance and irritation when his web-stuff hit her jacket. Freaking lovely, now she’d spend all night cleaning his disgusting white stuff off of her jacket; but as of this moment, it was time to show the clown who was boss. As she rolled away from the encounter, she bounced back up to her feet and kept her free hand tightly around the bag of jewels. A smirk across her full luscious bright red lips; this bat boy had become her punching bag recently, unable to catch her completely but sometimes he would take whatever she had stolen. Right now, these diamonds meant a lot; they meant more security to her family and a life for a homeless family she wanted to help. Was she really such a bad person wanting to help people in need? Her family was in need! The people on the streets were in need and she seemed like the only person who gave a damn. Again, another annoyed look moving across her face, Her full lips pushed together and moved side to side, a treat she developed specifically to express the annoyance of her alter-ego, as the ‘hero’ climbed himself against the wall of a building. When he suddenly spoke aloud her head jerked back in surprise, her green contact eyes blinked at him a couple times before she threw her head back in a sarcastic laugh. “And people call me crazy while you talk to yourself like a nut-job!” She shook her head as he moved from the wall to the ground again but kept himself out of her reach. It was interesting, their fighting styles. He was always a distance person, smacking her around from a far while she fought up close and personal. This made their fights very interesting because if he pulled her close, he knew he’d kiss the pavement multiple times but if she kept her distance he could corner her and get her tied up without her actually realizing it; which had happened a few times but she wiggled free before she could be taken in or her identity could be revealed. He seemed to have learned his lesson by keeping his distance and his aim had gotten better with his web-stuff, if she wasn’t careful, he could encase her without her even realizing she was surrounded by the shit and not even noticed. Holding up the bag she began with what she could do. “Tell me bug-brain, do you feel it’s fair for people to starve along the streets of our fair city while others live in luxury not even giving a shit that people can’t eat. The bodies of helpless people fill the streets and no one is willing to reach out and help them… no one except me! Does it make me a bad person from taking from those who should be giving and giving it to those who are in true need? Does the Willman family really need all these diamonds? What are they going to do it with them? Just keep them sitting in a safe when they could be sold to help others get off their feet and into jobs No one’s going to hire someone who doesn’t look like they could make a living. This is the problem with our society!” During her talk, free arm went behind her back, her fingers typing on a small black keypad that blended in with her suite. At the word ‘society’ all the alarms in the surrounding buildings exploded into action all at once, echoing through the street and a sarcastic look of surprise moved across her face as she looked around. “Well, isn’t that ironic!? The alarms got set off somehow. That means the police will be here soon. So the way I see it is you have two choices.” A sarcastic smirk moved across her full lips. “You can wait here to explain to the cops why a crazy guy in a suite is jumping around chasing after a beautiful innocent by-standard in black who just so happens to be taking her jewelry for a walk. Or we can part ways before the police even get here….” The echoing of the sirens made their way through the city and reached the two in their little standoff. “Oh well, looks like it’s too late to let you make the choice. Typical men take forever to choose what they want.” She rolled her green contact colored eyes before reaching into the bag and pulling out a diamond. She loved her gloves, because of the material she had made them out of; they never left a single smug on things. Looking at it she pulled her arm back and threw it at the ‘hero’. “Here’s a tip for you. Enjoy your time with the cops.” With that she disappeared into the darkness of the alleyway. ------ The next morning was an achy one, why did Amanda choose to do that on a Thursday night?! Well it as less to deal with when it comes to people staying late but she didn’t expect the web-head to show back up. Climbing out of her bed, the blonde stretched her arms above her head and yawned. Her parents still owned the large house and she enjoyed the comforts of home but with how much they work now and how much she works, they really don’t get to spend that much time together. An anonymous bidder bought her jewels and after tracking the IP address of the individual she found they were a real, legitimate person; some people don’t know how easy it is to hack into a webcam but she didn’t recognize the face and knew he was someone the town wouldn’t know. After the money was wired through countless accounts and landed in hers in small amounts on top of paychecks she boxed up the jewels and sent them off in an un-trackable packaging system. Oh yeah, she’s been in the game for a while so she knew how this stuff rolled. Amanda Kissinger was a kind and gentle soul, which would explain why she gave away a lot of the money she stole and the only time her sarcasm and wit really showed itself, was when she was her alter ego. The curvy blonde moved through the crowded streets, her hourglass figure shifting through the crowd as she went. She was tall for a woman, five foot eight with long toned tan legs sticking out of a white thigh length skirt as her gold heeled sandals clicked along the pavement. Her top off half in a gold tank top allowing her to enjoy the toasty warm sun against her tan skin, and her caramel colored eyes scanned the streets as she pushed her way through the people and arrived on the college campus. A long sigh left her as she walked to the food court and got in line for a coffee. As much as she’d love a mocha coffee, she knew she couldn’t afford it. So simple black coffee with sugar and creamer would have to do; being broke sucks!