[b] Shea Thomas - James Feryana - Lyle Jean - Arlene -Somewhere in New York [/b] Shea shivered inside of her red pea coat and walked into the nearest mini store from her house. Her purple ombre'd hair blew around her as the blast of heated air from the convenience store rushed across her uncovered face. She sighed a content sigh, wishing she didn't have to step into the cold night again. As a matter of fact, she had almost forgotten what she came to the store for. It must not have been too important, because she would never forget something important. With a shrug, she scrolled down the candy isle and grabbed a few gummy candies that were buy one get one before heading over to the front desk. As she waited for a cashier to ring her up, her eyes immediately went to the television behind the front desk. They were showing the live feed from the Jingle Ball event, and the lead singer of Sky View was chatting away to the Channel 5 news lady, who looked absolutely smitten. Shea smiled to herself, noting how handsome he was and agreeing that she might act the same if given the chance. Shea grabbed her bags of various gummy candies after the cashier finished ringing her up, and headed back outside. She bundled up into her coat, and pulled out her cellphone to see if there were any other cool events going on. Of course there were, it's NYC. [b] Adam Major - Sky View - Times Square [/b] "Well, [b]hello[/b]." Adam's peach colored lips curved into a small smile upon seeing Laia bend over to plug her speakers and bass guitar up. If he wasn't being watched, he probably would have stared at her all day if the opportunity presented itself. She was a such a beauty, and she had the voice of an angel to match. His mind drifted off to distant places for a moment, until her voice broke his train of thought. "Uh, yeah... I won't" He rubbed his hands together in a smoothing motion and turned back to his own set up. By now everybody was finished getting ready, and they had started letting people come up to the stage. There were already hundreds of people there, with obviously more to come. The channel 5 news station was of course already there, and Belle Raye was already making her way up the stairs to kick off the night... and flirt with the lead singer. "Well Adam, can I just say you are looking gorgeous as usual?" Bell purred in her most professional, yet seductive voice. She couldn't help but admiring him, being a huge fan of the bands music it was like a dream come true being on the same stage with him. Adam smirked and cleared his throat, tilting his head to the side slightly and letting out a small chuckle. "Thank you, Bell." He winked at her, so that everyone could see.The young woman seemed to have had the breath stolen right out of her when he winked at her, the crowd erupted into a series of nervous laughs and giggles. Bell was by no means an unattractive lady, if she were she wouldn't be on television all of the time, but he had no interest in her. Bell fanned herself "playfully", and nudged Adam lightly in the side with her elbow. "Ladies and Gentleman, it is my honor to kick off tonight's 50th annual Jingle Ball concert with Sky View!" Everyone cheered and roared, and Bell walked off the stage waving to everyone in the crowd. "Are you ready?!" Adam screamed at the top of his lungs. The band would start playing, and Adam's smooth, sultry voice would fill the night air.