James Feryana -> Arlene Parsons Tears of sadness streamed down James' eyes as he finished beating a man to unconsciousness. "Why do you all hate me!" He rhetorically asked the man as he slumped into unconsciousness. He wasn't crying just because of what he was doing now, but also because of the flat he rented out. The flat owner was always angry at James, as he knew about what James would do, getting cornered by cops. [i]If you dare get confronted by cops again, you're out of this flat,[/i] the flat owner had told James just [i]yesterday[/i]. Now, he was probably going to return home to find he'd be kicked out. He didn't want to do this, but he felt he had to. What he wanted to do was restart his life, start afresh, but everyone would remember the things that he did. Crying, James turned and exited the alley, feeling sad, wanting to start apologizing. When he stepped out, what he found was that there was a woman looking at him. James dropped to his knees. "Please, I'm sorry. Everyone hates me. I didn't want to do this." He lowered his head, uncontrollable thoughts of anger and sadness being tossed around inside his head. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he cried some more. [i]I probably look like a crazy child,[/i] James thought to himself as he cried in front of the woman.