Alright well I will post a few ideas that I listed in my interest check, I will add more as I come up with them 1. Everyone basically starts out at a minimal level, with varying stats of AGI, VIT, DEX, STR, DEF to accommodate gear/weapons for said level 2. Obviously with this minimal level no one will have a god tier weapon (i.e. M134 Minigun, Barrett M107 Anti-Material rifle, L115A3, and any of the more well known firearms out there besides pistols to an extent) 3. Of course it will stay true to the series and will include plasma weapons, but this category of weapons will be a bit harder to come up with names 4. Blade like weapons will be limited to the lightsaber and knives so sorry to those people that wanted to do what Death Gun/Sterben did 5. We will leave canon characters alone