Here's my revised CS. Name: Andy Hughes Age: 20 Gender/Sexuality: Male, Heterosexual Main Skill: Filmmaking. At an early age, Andy has shown the traits and skill of an avid filmmaker, and has attended many film schools in New Sydney. He shoots films so skillfully, that if he sees an action-packed event, he can film it in a way that will make it look like it’s choreographed. Add his Paracam to the mix, and he’s a filmmaking machine. Secondary Skills: [i]1. Parkour 2. Martial Arts[/i] Quirk: Andy has a tendency to sing while engaging in a physical activity. Being in Metro-Tokyo, those physical activities tend to be fights or chases. Oddity: He likes to crack his knuckles and neck quite a bit. It grosses some people out. Flaw: Andy’s quite combative, partly due to the fact that he wants good action sequences for his movie. Secret Weapon: Andy is very impulsive. He acts on instinct- which makes him very unpredictable. While this can be an advantage, it is also his greatest weakness, as he acts before he thinks, and this could lead to very big mistakes. Goal in Life (meta): Andy wishes to make the bestest, coolest action/thriller movie ever, using footage he acquires during his stay at Metro-Tokyo. Goal in Life (immediate): To not get arrested for his actions while filming at least long enough to aquire forty-minutes worth of footage. Reason-They-Will-Ultimately-Win: Andy would succeed because he has the equipment and skill needed to pull off the film of his dreams. And, the way things are in Metro-Tokyo, there’s enough things that could go wrong to make for a compelling movie. Reason-They-Will-Ultimately-Fail: Andy’s inexperience in Metro-Tokyo life could be a major setback, along with the fact that his camera is a drone- meaning if noticed, it could quite possibly be destroyed. And no camera = no footage. Theme song(s): [hider=Seven Nation Army Glitch Mob Remix] [url=][/hider] Description: [hider=Appearance][img=][/hider] Note that the armour on his garb is purely cosmetic- just to make his movie the [i]tiniest[/i] bit more aesthetically pleasing. Equipment: [b]Panasonic Paracam™[/b] – The Panasonic Paracam™ is [i]the[/i] camera for aspiring and proffessional filmmakers alike. Attached to a small drone, it’s programmed to find the best angle for a scene and film. It’s operator can select articles of interest- people, objects, etc. –and the camera will make sure to keep them in the shot. It has the capacity to record over a year’s worth of footage… And Andy has plenty more memory cards with him. [b]NuCorp Climbat Gloves™[/b] – The NuCorp Climbat Gloves™ are gloves made with combat and climbing in mind. Got yourself in a fight? The knuckledusters on the gloves are sure to help. Climbing up a wall, but have nothing to hold on to? At the press of a button, the gloves will light up in a fluro-blue colour and help you stick to any surface- as long as it doesn’t contain more than 50% concrete. The hardworking people at NuCorp still haven’t figure out why. Generic Equipment: Andy carries spare Panasonic™ memory cards for his camera in an unextraordinary GeneralGear™ backpack. Short Bio: Born in Australia, Andy lived most of his life in the ‘natural’ New Sydney. As Andy grew, he realised that the ‘natural’ city he lived in wasn’t so natural after all. Not only was the terrain terraformed, but many ‘natural’ things were actually man made- from trees, to grass, to soil. At an early age, Andy developed an interest in action, martial arts and thriller movies, and set his goal there and then to make one that will be remembered for centuries to come. Learning martial arts and parkour, while also taking filmmaking classes, Andy finally set out to begin filming his movie in the best possible setting for an action/martial arts/thriller movie- Metro-Tokyo.