Myar leaned against her dragon's leg and watched the bonding ceremony as it came to an end. As expected, Merrik and Nova flew down to the center of the colleseum and gave the tamers their new direction. [b][i]"You will never return to the lives you once knew; everything has changed now that your souls have been reunited with their missing halves and your mortality has been exchanged for eternal life. You do not know it yet, but there is mana of old coursing through your veins, drawn from the magicks within the blood of your dragons."[/b][/i] [i]'Never return to my old life? But I quite liked my old life.'[/i] Myar thought as she looked to her dragon. [i]'We have a responsibility, now, young one. We are forever bonded together, that will never change. But until we rid the poison spreading through the lands, your life will never be the same. Perhaps, in time, you can return to the way things were. After all, you are an eternal soul now.'[/i] [i]'Yes, I suppose I do have plenty of time for life ahead of me now,'[/i] she giggled as she scratched the scales along Iyrades' neck. What she was most interested in was the use of magick. It certainly came as a surprise to her when Merrick mentioned mana flowed through their veins. She wondered what kind of magicks they could tap into, her mind fluttered over the many possibilities. Perhaps she could learn to conceal herself more, quieting her movements or maybe even becoming invisible altogether. Or maybe it was just tapping into basic elemental magic. She'd be happy with either one. [i]'You already have an ability.'[/i] Iyrades commented. Myar looked a question at her. [i]'What do you mean?'[/i] [i]'When we bonded, some of my power rubbed off on you. I gave you an ability much similar to my own.'[/i] [i]'Well...what are your abilities? What is [/i]mine[i]?'[/i] [i]'In time.'[/i] She teased. The two returned their attentions to Merrik as he continued talking. [b][i]"I suppose the most important rule, is that you don't get to run from this. You all knew what you were getting in to when you agreed to join me here today. You all know the effect of the dark sickness that is pouring over our lands. You all know that without us, there is no hope for Illos. And so, you cannot run, you cannot turn your back on the cause, you cannot betray the order."[/i][/b] All of her short life, Iyrades had been raised knowing the fate of her existence. Like all of the other dragons, excellence, perfection, and dedication were expected of them. She only wished the same from her tamer. Poor Myar hadn't been trained her entire life for this. Iyrades hoped she could prepare her tamer as best as she could. [i]'I'll be okay, Iyrades,'[/i] she reassured her. [i]'If I back out now, this will only come to affect me in the future. I am a part of this world just as everyone else is. If I can have part in saving it, then count me in.'[/i] Iyrades smiled, nuzzling her large head against Myar's hair. [b][i]"You will train every day, your mind and your body will be in peak condition at all times. You will respect myself, Nova, and your fellow tamers. You will consult with me before trying anything new, this includes magicks, maneouvers, mixtures, etc. You will not, under any circumstances, move forward in your training before I say. The powers you've been given, the beasts you'll soon ride, it's all dangerous if not controlled and respected."[/i][/b] [i]'I can deal with the training...'[/i] Myar commented. She was used to working her mind and body, anyways. [i]'However, I don't like following rules.'[/i] [i]'Myar,'[/i] Iyrades said sternly, '[i]These[/i] rules[i] are put in place to protect you. You don't know what you're getting yourself into, if you attempt something too strong...or two dangerous...there could be conseq-'[/i] [i]'I understand my limits.'[/i] Myar interrupted her. [i]'I know my body, my will power, more than anyone else. If I know I will fail at something, I won't attempt it. But if I know it is something I can do, then a stupid rule won't stop me. I'm in control of what I do. Not him.'[/i] [i]'You are being stubborn. Ignorant, and a fool. For our sake, please just do as he says.'[/i] Myar responded with silence as she ignored Iyrades and focused on Merrik and Nova. Iyrades groaned and shook her head, frustrated with her tamer already. After Merrik finished speaking, Nova's thoughts invaded both tamer and dragon, [b][i]'Flying, will be our first task. You must learn to be comfortable atop your bonded drakes at any time, at any height, in any weather. Their wings should feel like an extension of your own limbs. Hatchlings, the weight of your tamer upon your back should feel as perfect as the weight of your own scales on your hide. Stay close in mind with each flight and feel each other's movements.' "Get comfortable and get confident. Now go,"[/i][/b] Merrik finished off. Without a word, Myar took towards the dens, Iyrades followed closely behind. [i]'Give me intel on these other dragons. I need to know what I'm dealing with.'[/i] [i]'So demanding.'[/i] Iyrades lifted her head and examined each dragon, pushing her thoughts into Myar's mind as they walked by each one. [i]'That dragon there is Methuzar.'[/i] She nodded towards the brown dragon. [i]'As you can tell, he's larger than the rest. But his personality is even bigger. He's quite the proud creature, and tough. That's Alysia,'[/i] she motioned to the next. [i]'She's essentially the exact opposite of Nova, a white dragon. She's reserved and calm, and prefers to be without violence.'[/i] Next was the Silver dragon. [i]'That's Uram, she's the most playful of the bunch. I think you will enjoy her.'[/i] As Iyrades continued with the dragons, Myar recalled the bonding ceremony between Uram and her tamer. It seemed Uram liked playing with the determination of her tamer, almost in a teasing manner. It would certainly act as comical relief throughout the rest of their adventures. She always enjoyed having a little fun. [i]'And lastly, Mandragor. The Swamp dragon. He's hardheaded. Remind you of anyone?'[/i] Iyrades hinted towards Myar. Myar rolled her eyes and entered into Iyrades' den. She quickly located the leather straps, hoisted them over her shoulder, and returned to the center of the colleseum. [b]"Let's do this, shall we?"[/b] She fastened the leathers around the dragon's legs and neck, securing them in place. She climbed atop Iyrades and tightened the rest of the leathers around her waist. [b]"Do some walking around, first."[/b] Iyrades obeyed and slowly inched forward, taking it step by step as to not startle her tamer. She picked up the pace and started into a slow trot. [b]"I don't like the feeling of this,"[/b] she said has her body wobbled side to side with each stride of her dragon. Iyrades chuckled. [i]'Well, get over it rider. This your life now. Shall we take to the skies?'[/i] Myar gave a mental nod and held on tight as she felt the shudder of muscles beneath her. Iyrades crouched to the ground, her body hunched over. Her muscles tensed and with a flick of her tail, her body burst into the air. Myar clung to Iyrades' neck, holding her body as close as she could. This feeling in the air felt so foreign to her. She felt more comfortable on the ground, with something solid beneath her feet. Up in the air, she had nothing to hold onto, no where to run or escape or hide. [i]'Relax, Myar. You can do this.'[/i] She stabled herself, her wings were spread wide as she gently soared through the air. She inhaled the warm air as her body moved in large, slow loops and twirled through the wind currents. She released a low, playful growl as the wind tickled at her face. Myar's shrill laughter ripped through the silence and startled Iyrades. She caught herself off balance, but then quickly regained control. Myar's expression softened and she ran her hands along Iyrades' scaled back. [b]"Faster,"[/b] she whispered to her dragon. Iyrades tucked her wings to the side, narrowed her eyes, and plummeted through the skies with great speed. Myar was a very observational person at heart, she relied on her observation skills and examining her surroundings out in the world. She came to realize with being in the air, it was only an extension of what she had already been doing. Being in the air provided her with more to see, more to observe, and she began to feel more comfortable in the skies. Iyrades slowed her speed and released her wings as she neared the ground and came to a soft landing. [b]"I believe I'm ready."[/b] Myar spoke with more confidence than before. [b]"I'm ready to travel to the Forest Garden."[/b]