Name: Trein Fallfer Age: 24 Gender/Sexuality: Female/Heterosexual Main Skill: Trein has a flair for art, especially painting and graffiti. Secondary Skills: Climbing, Pranking Quirk: Trein is very optimistic. She'll always try to find a silver lining, no matter how bad a situation is. Oddity: She has a tendency to talk to herself [i]a lot[/i]. Flaw: Trein will not back down from a challenge, no matter how stupid or pathetic it is. This has led to her breaking both her arms, almost becoming paralyzed, and nearly dying before in the past. Who knows what it will bring her in the future. Secret Weapon: She's got quite the eye for details. This becomes useful when she's painting--or when she's looking for something. Goal in Life (meta): Become a well known artist throughout the entire world. Goal in Life (immediate): Find a job to pay for art supplies and a steady home. Reason-They-Will-Ultimately-Win: She's stubborn, hard working, willing to do whatever it takes to get what she wants, no matter the cost. Trein is very nifty with a spray can, using it as both a weapon and/or an artful tool. Reason-They-Will-Ultimately-Fail: Trein is very prideful. She doesn't accept help easily, preferring to do tasks herself. This mixed with her competitiveness makes her prone to doing stupid things. She also struggles with maintaining her art supplies and her house due to financial problems. Because of this, she's always running out of supplies, using money for food on art, and constantly moving about. Theme song(s):[hider=Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger] [youtube]GDpmVUEjagg[/youtube][/hider] Description: [hider=Appearance][img][/img] She stands at 5'4" and has her hair pulled into a ponytail a lot.[/hider] Equipment: [b]Spectrum Glow™ Hue-changing Spray Paint[/b] This fancy can of paint can be any colour you want! Thanks to a digital touch screen on the side, you can choose from a wide assortment of colours, from red to purple to even green! These things can even come in handy as a weapon. Someone trying to mug you? Hit them on the head or spray paint their faces. That'll buy you enough time to run away. [b]EZ Go™ Utility Belt[/b] You can never be Batman, but you can pretend to be with this fancy pantsy utility belt! With surprisingly spacious pockets and multiple loops to hold cylindrical objects, this bad boy can carry quite a bit of weight around while feeling like you're carrying a feather. Items are quick and easy to get out and put back when you're on the run. Generic Equipment: Trein carries a few cans of paint which she stores in her utility belt. There's a couple sheets of paper and a pencil in the pockets. Short Bio: For someone born in the upper levels, she's pretty dang poor. For the first three years of her life, Trein was raised into a life of luxury and riches. After a financial disaster, however, her family's wealth was quickly depleted. They went down to the lower levels and have lived there, struggling to get back to power. Trein moved away from her family at age sixteen to focus more on her artistic ambitions. Since then, she's been pretty much raising herself.