A group of large black buses, each having the word Hawthorn written on their sides in golden letters, rode in a single file line as they made their way down a long, narrow strip of rode, the only surroundings being miles upon miles of flat grass lands. On each of these busses were dozens of men and women, there ages ranging from young children to the elderly. It was after hours of this mind numbing driving that the rows of buses came to a large wall the extended about twenty feet up into the air. The only visible entrance pass the wall seemed to be a golden gate with a H placed on the center of it. As the buses came closer to the gates they opened and aloud the long line to pass. A large, what looked like a ten story, building came into view as the busses pulled into the curving drive way. A large fountain was planted in front of the building and shot a beautiful display of water into the air. The buses came to a stop at the bend of the drive way, just in front of the entrance. The doors of the buses opened and the riders were indicated to take what ever they had brought with them and to exit the buses. As the mass of people began to grow on the steps in front of the building a older man, looking to be in his late forties, with well kept graying light brown hair, pale blue eyes, fair skin and a warm smile came through the front door to the building. He looked over the group for a brief moment before he spoke up in a charming and kind voice. [b]"I offer each and everyone of you a happy welcome. As many of you may know you have been sent here do to your special talents, a trait all of you share. I wish to be the first to tell you that this place is a safe haven for your kind, a place for you all to feel at home and rest. For this is the goal I and so many others have strived to achieve, this is the Hawthorn Facility and I am it's founder and head specialist on Meta-humans, Dr. James Hawthorn."[/b]