River Once Danny left, there wasn’t much to keep River’s interest alive for long. He’d follow Danny’s advice and leave but had no clue where to go. Well, anything was better than just sitting around. River turned and started towards the mansion. With this weird start being the start of the year, his roommate could only be icing on the cake, wouldn’t he? River’s hand slid into his pockets, his grey eyes tracing the ground as he walked. After he almost reached the mansion, River dropped down on a bench and rubbed his forehead. He hated the start of the year. There was nothing to do. No classes, no training, nothing. All he could do was to hang out with someone or sit around and wait for the real days to begin. He wanted to train, he wanted to shoot something. Sometimes it worried him a little. His interest was bordering on obsession. Perhaps he should get it checked? It didn’t really affect him in a negative way unless he was deprived of it, though. Wait, that is called an addiction. Well, no one’s perfect. River didn’t quite reach the mansion, but he did find it rather comfortable on that bench, looking into the calming fountain before him. Xavier must’ve been made of money to afford all of this. The sound of the fountain was enchanting, and if nothing else, would lullaby him to sleep eventually. With little else to do, River reached into his shoulder bag which he was rarely seen without, and produced a notebook where he started doodling to kill time until dinner. He so longed to grip his gun again, not to mention playing around with all the other firearms in the training room. He had spent most of the entire previous semester there. Most weapons were non-lethal or had that option as killing was never a priority for the X-Men once they went out on missions. River had gotten well acquainted with the various firearms and found himself most attached to the ones firing non-lethal electro-bullets which stuns. Of course the guns could be set to lethal voltage but he hoped never to use that option. Soon he’d be able to go down there again.