[quote=TimasheTiger] Does foreigner count as a smell? No, in all seriousness though, he keeps himself pretty clean, but he does still do his physical training routine so there's usually a sweaty tinge to him. Do I need something more specific? EDIT: Actually sweat would be interesting, everyone kind of has their own sweat smell so like really the only time Haru would be able to find me is if I've been sweating up a storm. Like there'll be times where he's just like "the hell did he go?" then other times he'll be like "oh there he is..." [/quote] A lot of products tend to have a scent to them. Some people use wet wipes that smell like aloe vera, some people have deodorant that smells like baby powder (yeah, he has mistaken a person for a baby, once), some people wear flavored and scented lip gloss, some people just smell like sweat due to exercising, and others just smell lightly like flowers or dirt due to their hobby of gardening...everybody has a smell. It wouldn't be like this person became invisible if they took a long shower, more like they were reabsorbed into the mass of other people who are like scented due to their scent weakening. If they were in the same room and they put on a new perfume, they wouldn't have disappeared, but the scent change may make some association in his head reverse...take him more time to readjust. Of course, this is just how I image these conditions to be, based on light/skimmed reading. *carpet sharks around the room* X3 <( <3 )