Felicity swallowed the pill, waiting until after to drink the water. She listened intently to the technician as he explained the situation outside the ship. She hadn't actually been able to see the [i]Forbidden[/i] or [i]Calamity[/i] before, but she knew that they were powerful weapons. That said, so too was the [i]Lucifer[/i]. She took a moment to consider the situation If she could get out of the [i]Lucifer[/i] and to the new suits without drawing attention to the herself until she got in position where she could protect the other new mobile suits, it would be the ideal scenario she decided. It only took her less than a second to formulate her plan, immediately after she had decided on a course of action she was gone, off to her mobile suit. As the OS booted up and the MS came to life Felicity quickly checked all of the systems. Everything looked to be in working order, after she was satisfied the on-board systems were all in working order, she made sure all of her weapons were ready. Rifle, beam sabers, and CIWS,, everything checked out for her 'glance inspection' there was no time to actually check anything. Finally she brought her mobile suit into the catapult equipping her shield as she did so. Finally the catapult readied for launch, Felicity watched as the lights changed, Brakes, Throttle and Catapult all signaled 'Clear' and the 'Abort' lights turned to 'Launch'. As the catapult accelerated her MS out into the open she activated the Dagger's thrusters, putting as much distance between her and the [i]Lucifer[/i] as was possible so she wouldn't draw fire towards it. She drew one of her beam sabers and prepared for combat while she searched for the [i]Calamity[/i], it didn't take long for her to find it,and she immediately made a bee line straight towards the mobile suit, eager to fulfill her duty. She activated her radio in hopes of contacting the pilot. "Mobile Suit [i]Calamity[/i] I am coming to your position to provide reinforcement, where is Mobile Suit [i]Forbidden[/i]?"