[b][center] Naka[/center][/b] It seemed to take the girls a few moments to recover from their close encounter of the hottie kind, but once they did, Naka knew they all had the same thought, they would all be spending *much* more time in the infirmary...or near it...Naka wasn't sure she cared. The walk from the infirmary to the kitchen wasn't long, and Naka was glad for it. The sooner she could down these meds the sooner she could slip away and pass out. It would be a perfect kind of sleep, she imagined. One where you didn't have to worry about being attacked or falling prey to someone stronger. Here, Naka was sure she could hold her own, but she didn't know just how dangerous some of her fellow students were. As Rory found her a bottle of lemonade Naka shrugged until water was offered. "I'll take lemonade, thanks." She managed before fishing out the small bottle and downing a twice the normal dose. The bottle popped open quickly and Naka tilted her head back to swallow. Once she had righted herself, she turned her attention to Rory's friends. They had kind of gotten pulled into her orbit because of Rory, but Naka knew she had to play nice, besides, Rory wasn't too bad. Luna introduced herself not long after Rory finished looking for the water, and Naka inclined her head. "Nice ta' meet ya both." Now that her main directive had been achieved, Naka could focus on the people and things around her. She took in Luna, trying to make it not too obvious, before looking over Alicia, her gaze wasn't meant to be threatening, if anything it might come off appraising. People rushed in and out of the bustling kitchen, causing Naka to slip over to one of the many counter tops. Within seconds she was sitting on the cool marble, sipping the remnants of her beverage. "So it seems I'll be going here...how easy is it to get kicked out?" she asked with a teasing tone, the injured side of her mouth curving up into a small, mischievous smirk.