[center][b]Tori[/b] - Auditorium[/center] "Would you rather we run in without any form of a plan? Sounds foolish to me." Tori made an audible 'Tsk' noise at that. [b]"Do you know what sounds foolish to me? Your belief that whatever is attacking the academy right now, will follow your plans so naturally."[/b] Glancing over at Crash as the boy also replied to her, she just shrugged; what she said fitted him as well. Beginning to walk off, the girl threw a careless wave of her hand in their way, turning with a smugly grin on her face as she bowed mockingly. [b]"Either way, while you bunch of cowards plan the best course of action, I'm going ahead and take action."[/b] Without a care about whatever one might've said to her in response, she began to make her way towards the school's entrance. [i]Gah, demons. I hate them- not as much as I hate angels.[/i] To say she wasn't at least a bit nervous was a lie, but Tori was exceptional when it came to showing a fake courage just to simply understimate the others and make them feel lesser than she, herself- not that it always worked, anyway. Stepping outside, her eyes searched for the demons. The only reason she disliked them was because they killed angels- angels which should die by her hands, not theirs. It was basically her pride; that's it, really. Raising her left hand, a dark sphere materialized in her palm before forming onto a [url=http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130207203839/outlawstar/images/9/92/CasterAndShells.jpg]powerful gun[/url]. Though... She couldn't exactly move. Not alone. Damn, was this fear? Obviously not- Tori could never fear; it was just... that... one particular demon. The way his skin... Eugh. She hoped the woman who was apparently challenging him could handle it- it was a grotesque demon, to say the least.