[b]Name:[/b] Lillah Lawson [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Birthday:[/b] August 11th [b]Appearance:[/b] She has a straight, boyish figure and a short hair cut to match. Although lean, she's muscular as well: her limbs are toned and the beginnings of abs sit at her mid drift. However, she doesn't really go out of her way to show off her physique, save for her arms since--when she's not wearing a coat or sweatshirt--she prefers tank tops and other sleeveless tops. Her skin is dark olive in complexion and her eyes a light, exotic brown. Her hair is dark brown, as well, and stops just short of the bottom of her ears. [hider=Bad doodle of her][img=http://img.charahub.com/c134145_8652fc22926b9a7ceb0b025ea2c56a49.png][/hider] [b]Height / Weight:[/b] 5'6" / 120 lbs [b]Personality:[/b] Lillah is the loner type: she's silently broody and keeps to herself. She's angry by default and isn't very patient with people--but has the self control to deal with them despite. She's a person who's hard to get to know and doesn't show much interest in getting to know others either, especially since they're likely to get eaten anyway. Despite these negative qualities, she tries to be a better person and will grudgingly land a hand where ever it's needed. She's brave, but not stupid, and very independent. She knows how to take care of herself. [b]Bio:[/b] Before the apocalypse, Lillah lived with her adoptive father who she had been with since she was a toddler. He got more of a son than daughter, though, as Lillah picked up video games and sports instead of dolls and dance. That said, even sports weren't really her thing: at home, she was forced to pick up--and eventurally loved-- kick boxing as a means of self defense. She had only joined track because after beating up a bully at school she was offered explusion or a non-contact sport. After the explosion, her and her father were on their own--until he was bitten and turned. Lillah found herself in a position that forced herself to kill him. And now here she is. [b]Weapons:[/b] Her weapons are always changing depending on where she is and what she needs. Currently, it's a baseball bat. [b]Skills:[/b] Close combat, cardio [b]Strengths:[/b] Independent, good self control, resourceful, street smart [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Has trouble working with others, weak will, lazy, struggles with depression and insomnia [b]Outfit:[/b] She dresses like a lazy tom boy [hider=Something like this but less...stylish][img=https://31.media.tumblr.com/edb6760b817f84af3d56e6e5bfc67122/tumblr_mhhkhxsoGS1rzsk2go1_500.jpg][/hider] [b]Other:[/b] Ambidextrous, bisexual, of mixed heritage but primarily Middle Eastern.