[b][i] – Leroy[/i][/b] [b]“No… My emotions are my own, I’d rather not change them.”[/b] Hearing those words and seeing the girl (Little Feather) hang her head as though in guilt, Leroy let out a laugh. “Don’t worry, I didn’t actually expect you to say yes. That’s the common opinion people have.” Then smiling to himself he thought, [i]‘Which is why if I want more people to test it on, I need to keep my ability a secret for as long as possible.’[/i] Then looking down at the boy (Zivon) he realized that his ability seemed to be more effective than he had thought it would be under such a short period of time. He didn’t know if it was because the boy’s mind was weak from the panic or because he was more susceptible to these sort of abilities but… Leroy smiled. It was always interesting to see how people reacted to his power. “Good, stay like that until everything’s back to normal. No more crying.” Put into a thoroughly better mood himself now that he was no longer panicking, he looked around to see what the other students were doing. The ‘army crew’ were gathered around Matt, others were scattered all over the place, and then there were people like themselves in smaller groups without doing anything too important. Relieved that the dragonfly was going to stay around, he said to the girl (Little Feather), “Thanks. That helps quite a bit.” After giving her a slight wave as she left, he looked down at his ink-covered hand. He was probably not going to be able to get to washroom to wash it off anytime soon. Shrugging, Leroy just wiped the ink off on a few of random students nearby with the feeling of ‘joy’ still imprinted in it. --- [b][i] – Kathy[/i][/b] Despite the fact they were just a group made last-minute starting with only vague ideas on what was even happening, the ideas kept coming one after another and Kathy was beginning to feel quite assured that they would be able to succeed against whatever was out there. She frowned as she watched the dark-haired girl (Tori) leave. By her confident words it seemed like she could have been a great asset to the fight, but perhaps it was better this way. She didn't seem like one to work well in teams. Having listened carefully to everyone’s inputs Kathy said, “That automatically puts me in Team B then.” She smiled at Little Feather, knowing they were on the same team. “I should get going, there’s no point in going out to scout if they get there before I do.” She still had a smile on her face, but was undoubtedly nervous about going ahead on her own. There was also the problem that there wouldn’t be a light source out in the hallway anymore. [i]‘My eyes will adjust,’[/i] She thought, trying to reassure herself. [i]‘And that’ll probably mean the enemies won’t be able to see me properly either. Hopefully.’[/i] Making up her mind, she began to move away from the group. She added, "If I don't think it's safe for you guys to open the door to let me back in, I'll just bang really loudly on the door to let you know so please keep an ear out?" Stopping once in front of Crash, she wiped away some of the sweat on his face with the bandages wrapped around her hand. “… See you.” Then adding with a faint smile on her face Kathy told him, “Just don’t trip and you’ll be fine.” Giving a wave to everyone, she disappeared through the crowd and went to the nearest exit. Taking a deep breath in, she first took a peak out to make sure the hallway was still empty. [i]‘Good.’[/i] Satisfied for now, she left through the door and closed it behind her. Then quickly she scaled up the wall and got up onto the ceiling. [i]'Hopefully these demons or whatever also lack the tendency to look up when entering.'[/i] Slowly, keeping her steps as quiet as possible, she left the auditorium behind and began to walk down the halls on the ceiling.