[B]hosital[/b] (please don't ask me which, no clue)) Lily walked from the drug room, carrying the last of the medications to the patient who had been screaming her head of for pain killers the last half hour. Lily had been unable to accept this request as the patient had only had some a few hours ago, and needed to wait a little bit longer. But the patient had begun disturbing other patients, so Lily sighed, and organised some pain killers. "Here you go Mrs Stevenson" Lily said cheerfully, "you know the drill. Name, rank and serial number" Mrs Stevenson care her details, Lily smiled and gave her the pain killers, lightly brushinv ner hand over the womans arm, sending a healing touch that would dull the pain for good while, if not get rid of it completely. Finally, she could go, as the night shift came on, twenty minutes late, yet that was to be expected. It was, after all, christmas evr.Lily had a few days holidays coming up and for that she was greatful. she handed the patients over to the night shift, grabbed her gear and got out of tnere before anyone could thinkof something for her to do. Lily ddidn't have a car, so she normally walked home. Which is what she started to do.