[img=http://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/214/4/d/the_elder_scrolls__flag_of_orsinium_by_okiir-d6gdbqv.png] The Tribal Confederation of Orsinium History of Orsinium Gortwog, the creator of the “second" nation of Orsinium, was a master diplomat and warrior. Elevating Orsinium to a small provincial kingdom within Highrock, the Orcs regarded him as a great leader for the people. Instead of creating a war-like culture bent on conquering and death, Gortwog fully focused the Orc people into building their culture. In addition, he sought to repair the broken relations between Orsinium and High Rock. Wanting to show the world that a civilized orc government could exist, Gortwog raised a nation from the trampled ruins of the old Orsinium. Now, the leadership has passed to his son, Grimrock. Grim, a warrior by heart but wise like his father, is passionate about growing Orsinium as a great state. Knowing full well that in order to grow, he will need to foster a relationship with High Rock, Grimrock sends weekly diplomats to the high courts of Daggerfall. However, a religious civil war threatens to crush Grimrock's agenda. Currently, two religions clash harshly in the province. The followers of Malacanth and the followers of Trinimac can barely stand one another. Grim is hoping he can foster a quick alliance with High Rock in case war breaks out in the mountainous regions of Orsinium. Political Agenda The confederation is tied by a group of confederate chiefs. These chiefs elect a high chief among them to lead the full Orc tribes. Since Gortwog did such a wonderful job leading them, the chiefs elected his son to once again bring great prosperity to the nation, even if they do not truly understand his intentions. Current Allegiance Orsinium is locked into an odd power struggle with High Rock. Being right in the middle of the Breton country, the Orcs believe they have a right to the province. However, instead of trying to brutally smash their way through the Bretons, Grim wants to foster a relationship between the two. In addition, Grim does not forget the kindness of Emperor Septim when he tried to give them power and aid at one time. Orsinium Military The Orcs are a race bred for war. Strong, powerful but not always the brightest creatures, they pick might over brains any day. Armed with strong orcish armor, and wielding powerful maces and hammers, the Orcs believe that a hard hammer can smash through any puny armies. Many Orc tribes must submit their young men into the Orc Confederate Army for initial training. This training makes them prime candidates for war and conflict, but also attempts to teach them tactics and strategy. Orc Culture Tribal Orcs have a rigid caste system where everyone has a job. High ranks of honor make up the system for the Orcs. Recently, Grim has been trying to subvert the culture slowly, believing their bestial tendencies cause other races to hate them or even ignore them completely. This culture changing has caused stress to Orsinium, but Grim is doing his best everyday to make it easier on his people.