[b] Zivon [/b] This feeling he was having wasn't quite...right. Wasn't he supposed to be crying his eyes out but yet he didn't. “Good, stay like that until everything’s back to normal. No more crying.” The guy who probably put that paint mark on his shoulder told him. Zivon gave a nod smiled, “O-kay! Artochokey!” This was defiantly weird…He looked round, still some quite panic but it hadn’t fazed him at all now. He stood up and looked at his clothes. “Hey! I am still wearing this!” He noticed that he still had his apron on so he laughed a bit more. He spun around somewhat like a drunk. He accidentally stepped on one loose shoe lace and fell down. He laughed at himself, “Haha…hahaha!” Zivon was really... he was somewhat a drunk at that moment. [b] Seven [/b] He looked at a fairly big group, one of them was a girl (tori) who walked of, and he was curious why the girl would do that. Danger was going here fast. He decided to follow the girl, he knew that well curiosity killed the cat but he was bakeneko was that rule wouldn’t apply…right? He quietly followed the girl until he had reached the entrance of the school as he stared at the girl. He looked at the creatures, scary individuals who looked like demons... “Or they are…” He hid at the shadows, he had hope thing would just pass by but yet…it seemed things were getting worst…