No, no, no, no don’t look over at him, don. Crap. He was destined to run into this guy again and again and again it seemed. What was he, metal and the other a magnet? Next thing you know he would be trying to… why was he walking over here. Rashim sighed inwardly, he knew why, he really did. This brown haired fellow seemed to think that they had been friends once before, and he was adamantly persistent about it. Just because you were friends with someone before did not mean you could merely pick up where you left off after… however many years it had been. The teen spoke as their eyes stared into each other, or… as Rashim’s ever green gaze remained polite by staring way up to the other’s. Yes, he was right, they could be on the same track… or he could be stalking him still for reasons unknown, though money was probably involved. And a thumbs up, really? He definitely wasn’t getting rid of this giant any time soon. He would probably follow him around for the rest of the day. The boy could talk, he would give him that. The only other person Rashim knew that talked that much was his second younger brother. The one that was popular with everyone, he’d been in the trails earlier chatting with a group of who knew who. Breaking his gaze away from those honey eyes he looked around and noted that at least the black wolf was missing. “I know a good cheap place, follow me if you’d like.” Were his only words before brushing lightly past the teen and heading out into the crowd. If the other boy lost him, then he was on his own.