[quote=Sicarius] Hello everyone! Just wanted a heads up I'm gonna be a bit slow in answering questions for maybe a week, as will my own posts once the IC's up(Saber's hard ya work at it). I got all my wisdom teeth taken out earlier today so in pain and will be drugged a bit hence my slowed performance I won't have Atheri Syvek's history finished by the time the IC I'd up sadly, hard forming completely coherent thoughts for it but the rest of her CS as does Morben's allude and speak of the most important things if you care to know it. Like Morben's you'll all get to really know her IC. All typos and such are because I'm on a phone drugged and in pain, will fix that sometime later if they're glaring enough. Thank you everyone. [/quote] Oh god teeth pulling! I completely understand, Sic. Get well soon :)