The young dragon waited nervously for an answer. Rashim could either be courteous and offer to show him to a place or simply turn him down being done with his antics. Pyrrus kept eye contact with the evergreen eyes before him until they finally turned away. Pyrrus' heart stopped at what might come next. Luckily he actually offered to show him to a place. The young dragonkin's jaw almost dropped open. He didn't expect him to so easily offer. He had expected him to be more annoyed that he was coming around again. Pyrrus sat there with a loss of words for a moment. Honey eyes stared into disbelief. Rashim than began heading into the crowd. "Oh.. Rea..Really" His eyes widened. " I would love......I mean that would be great". The dragonkin perked up as his honey gaze followed Rashim into the crowd. He grinned, even more excited now. All he could think of was Wow, this was going better than expected. Maybe he did kind of remember him and that's why he was sort of giving him his time of day. Why else would he invite him a long. If he had been tired or annoyed with him he would've ignored him completely. The whole situation was quite confusing and didn't make much sense, but Pyrrus hardly cared. He was about to spend some time with his old friend. The dragon realized he had begun to step away into the crowd, and he quickly followed behind him.