[b]@ Katelyn:[/b] What I meant was I'd seen your post about starting to work on your CS, and didn't realize you'd posted again with the CS. It just shows that you have the newest post on the thread, and I thought it was still the same post you'd made earlier. Double post = back to back post, I didn't mean two of the same. As I said before, I like what I see! :) Unless I'm mistaken (which I don't think I am) Lia is the first proper Elf in Twisted's history. I like Tolkien's take on Elves, and I'm glad to see someone playing an OC individual from a canonical race. Furthermore, you've given yourself a very natural opening to get on Buck's good side. I suspect Bernadette will like her also: the physical appearance will likely put her in mind of a Land-Dwelling Angkrillian. You've got a nice balance on the illness: she's distinctly sick but not unplayable. Her three personalities seem to sort of balance one another out: she'll be able to have crazy withdrawn time [i]and[/i] solid interaction time. I'm impressed and interested! [b]@ Elsa:[/b] I really do hate to hear that you're having such a rough time right now. I've struggled with mental illness myself in the past, and if you ever need someone to talk to it would be my honor to lend an ear. Don't lose faith in yourself: we all struggle sometimes, and something as simple and seemingly small as a lack of focus can really derail your studies at school or projects at work. I know you well enough to know that you're an intelligent and talented young woman. Don't let a few bad grades make you think you're not!! I hope things get better for you very soon!! Thank you for letting me know what's going on in your life. I'll move Sasha out of play, and whenever you feel like you're ready to come back we'll take a look at how to work her back in. [center][b]This is where I put my GM Hat on.[/b][/center] Currently, my only active players are [b]Pumirya[/b] and [b]Tigre.[/b] Pum, I know you're stuck waiting on interaction. I'm almost ready to start my next post. I'll be sending Cadie your way. (No Jax, you'll see why. XD) Tigre, you can reply to the post I wrote [i]just for you[/i] any time. *cough* I'm just trying to keep you and Pum from getting too bored while I sort this inactive player mess. Thank you both for being so patient! [b]Katelyn[/b], I'll give you an official verdict whenever the history is posted. I'm going to be starting a new IntChk/Recruiting thread in the next few days, so as long as Lia's done by the time the other new CS are finalized, I'm a happy camper. [b]Oblivion[/b], I'm putting you on LOA with [b]Elsa[/b], and I'll go ahead and move Anya to her room in my next post. [b]Vampiric, Syblyx, and Kally (Cjayxo):[/b] Some of you have been active on other threads, and some of you appear to not have been on RPG at all. Either way, both my roll call and my PM's have gone unanswered. I know that I am partly to blame for the level of inactivity on these threads the past few weeks. Had I known I was about to change jobs I probably would have delayed starting this RP... but it is what it is. What matters now is that I'm running on all my cylinders and ready to move this game forward. I can't do that with two active players. As per OOC Rule Number Three, clearly stated on the third post of this goode OOC, all your characters are now [i]belong to me.[/i] The loss of players is actually built into this roleplay as an element of the game, and while I hadn't anticipated having to make the first cut this early on, it's totally workable. Your characters will be puppeted out of the Cafeteria, and briefly through the rest of their Institute tours. They will be returned to their rooms. Some of them may simply be exhausted by the stress of the new environment and decide to take a nap. Others may decide to act a fool and get a heavy dose of sedatives... or hallucinogens. (Because that's how we roll here.) Either way, they will all slip into comas. If Twisted's history is any indicator, that will be the end of that. Should any of you ever wish to return to Twisted, we can discuss whether or not I'll let you have your patient back. Because I'm evil like that. >:D And now I've eaten up a lot of time with this gigantic rambling OOC post, and need to brainstorm about what happens next IC. I shall bid you all goodnight, and if you’re interested, have a listen to one of my favorite theme songs for the RP. [center]In this [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktlLjMcJ5nM]house on a hill[/url], The dead are living still. Their intention is to kill And they will… they will.[/center] Sweet Cheesus this is long, sorry for potato again! Edit: Shin, in that case I'll just mark you down as a lurker. Welcome? XD