The conversation went like it always did with the thief claiming Robin Hood as her character witness. It wasn't that Jake didn't sympathize with the fight she was waging; however, he saw the shortsightedness of it as well as the danger. As much as he was about protecting people he saw how breaking the law opened the door to everyone breaking the law. In a land where law doesn't matter the one with money and power would always win. This thief didn't have either and that meant she was playing a losing game. The sirens were a new gambit she was forcing in him as well. The sound along was nearly crippling as five cars within ten feet began screaming wolf to the world. Had he been wall crawling Jake was sure he would have lost his balance and fallen over from the sheer volume and tone of the whole situation. They also left him in what was now the most desired bit of territory in the whole city for the police. The chance to stop a high profile thief usually earned a beat cop a big promotion and more than a few extra dollars as a thank you or reward from the company. Jake watched as the thief began to exit stage left. He deeply desired to follow her, but knew that if he did he would likely draw them both into some sort of obstacle course which would mean both of them would be spotted. More than anything Jake knew he couldn't be seen leaving the scene of a burglary. Especially one as high profile as this looked to be. The last thing he needed was another photo of him near a crime scene with ‘Criminal?’ as the headline. The more the people connected him to bad acts the further away from the good fight he would have to be. The two left using their own methods which meant it was another loss for Jake. He wasn't one to keep count, but he wasn't happy being down three wins to five. He continued to web swing away from the diamond district until he was sure he was far enough away to not really cause a stir with any badges on patrol. All the same he figured it would be best to head home. Until MARY once again chimed in. “Jake I just listened to a domestic assault situation over the police scanner. The nearest police force is over 15 minutes away due to the all hands call to the diamond district.” Her voice may never change, but Jake could swear he could hear concern sometimes. He figured it was just his own mind doing it. Either way he always swung faster afterwards. --- The morning was the only true villain Jake had never found a way to win against. It always struck when he was at his weakest and had no vulnerable points. It rose above the city vigilante like an impending doomsday clock. The worst thing about this vile villainous fiend was that it never finished the job and just killed Jake. It would leave him sore, bloody, and bruised and yet it never took the kill shot. This morning was the same. After the whole episode with the thief Jake seemed to need a distraction and the city welcomed the opportunity. Three brawls and more than a handful of muggings took their toll on the young man who was clearly sporting a body that had been worked over by a two by four. Still he finally got out of bed after hitting the snooze button three times and made his way to the shower. He cleaning himself as well as his tense body could and clothed himself slowly so he didn't hurt his ribs. One was easily fractured while the headache he was sporting might have been due to the kiss he had with the sidewalk. He left his apartment and took the subway to school where he was welcomed with a wonderful sight. A calm campus with little to no stress inducers in sight. He had his messenger bag tossed over his left shoulder and his classic white t-shirt thankfully hid the bruise on his ribs. The tan cargo shorts completed the outfit and showed the world just how much the college student loved summer. The reason was one part the weather the other part what the weather brought. Before he saw her he could see the other men’s heads turning. He could see it in their eyes and didn't even need the hint of clicking sandals to warn him what was about to come up alongside him. He could hear a comment here and there, but the most noticeable thing was the silence that seemed to follow a beauty like Amanda Kissinger. She walked right up to Jake and took a sip from her to-go coffee cup. “Morning Amanda.” Jake said with a sheepish smile. “Anything special happen on that date last night?” The two chatted as they walked through campus. They had been friends for several years dating back to high school. The rumor mill would throw something out about the two of them dating or hooking up at a party. These were largely ignored by the two unless there was something especially wrong with the story. Though there was a time when Jake would have admitted that he had a crush on Amanda, even if it was her who had asked. Still that had ebbed away into a treasured friendship that others saw as something more. Her outfit was to be admired as Jake's eyes went from north to south on her. He darted away in case the look went too long and returned to the conversation they were having. When they reached the Archaeology building where Jake spent nearly all his student time in. Friends would sometimes joke that when Archaeologist find Jake’s body it will be during an excavation of the Archaeology library.