[b][i]Scharweilt[/i][/b] [hider=Nation Status] [b]Current Leader/Government: King Laurence III|Queen Elaine[/b] [b]Settlements Owned:1[/b] # [b]Provinces Owned:1[/b]# [b]Population:150,565[/b]# [b]Standing Army:[/b] [indent] - Coast Guard/2,565/Scattered around the coats of Scharweilt /95 % - Special Defense/3,000/Scattered around the kingdom>/<100 %> - Strike Team/10,000/Stand-by/[/indent] [b]Population Happiness: 50%[/b] [b]Imports:None[/b] [b]Exports:Fish and Wine[/b] [b]Wealth:Average[/b] [b]Alliances:None[/b] [b]Trade Pacts:None[/b] [b]Cease Fires:None[/b] [/hider] --- [center][b][u] Valentine the Knight [/b][/u][/center] --- The king and his family is having a nice meal when one of his knights interrupted the meal. "I'm sorry your majesty but there is a ship coming!" the knight said in a worried voice "What! are they pirates!?" the king asked "no sir.... I think they are halflings" the knight answered "Well I will join the force in case they do something crazy" the king said "No sir... it's too dangerous if they DID attack" the knight disagress "No need I will join the force" an unfamiliar voice joins the conversation "It is I Valentine the Knight" Valentine introduced himself the king looked at him foot to head.Valentine is like 6 foot tall,muscular,and fully protected armor.Also he owns a shield with an unknown emblem which might be his family's and a very long sword.The king thought that he might trustworthy. "Ok you will join the coast guard but attack in case they did something crazy" the king said to Valentine "Thank you,your majesty" Valentine thanked him and bowed "Welcome to the coast guard now let's go" the knight welcomed Valentine and invited him to go then Valentine follows --- [center][b][u]Incoming Ship[/center][/b][/u] --- Valentine arrived in the port and the ship is still going to the island and it seems the knights are going to fire the cannon to the ship "Ok! hold your fire! but prepare your weapons just in case they attacked us" Valentine commands "Yes sir!" the knights replied slowly unsheathing their swords and stopped halfway then they waited but they are still alerted and focused