Kalinda listened to the barrage of information. She was unsure how to process it. She sat there, picking it about bit by bit by bit as Miranda spoke. Kalinda was confused, puzzled, and wanting more blood. She didn't know if she actually needed it, or just wanted the taste of it. Oddly enough, she wasn't scared, not anymore. "Because it is so. There is not reason, or it was lost throughout the time.'' This puzzled Kalinda. How could you not know where your name came about? It didn't make sense. She decided that she would try and find out why. She had years and years now, after all. May as well fill it by doing things she loved. Burn in sun, she thought to herself. So she could never see the sun again, never feel its warmth. This saddened her greatly. She enjoyed the sunrise, the sun set. She gave a soft sigh, and listened as Miranda continued. Stasis-sleep. Well, at least she had hours that she didn't have to think on what she would be doing in the night. The increased Physical capabilities intrigued Kalinda. Did it mean she didn't have to be scared of being taken advantage off? Yes, Miranda seemed to be interested in her, for any reasons, and yet she seemed to want the best for Kalinda. Something she had never had before. She watched as Miranda continued to speak, walking about the room. So, no blood of her own anymore. Borrowed blood, that she expanded as energy. Great. "We are master at the Discipline of Majesty, which is the art of seduction and persuasion" the image of the demon Succubi popped into her head, but it was nothing like the woman talking to her. Was everything humans knew about the supernatural wrong? She rose to follow Miranda, more questions coming to her. She first said, "I think other Kindreds are idiotic then. Emotions have always been something powerful in the world. And I do not think that chances, just because we are no longer human. Emotions can give you the strength to do things you didn't think was possible" She looked about the place, somewhat curious, but wanting answers more. "Do we need to kill, in order to have the blood we need?" She asked softly, wondering how many lives she would have to take, and how long it would take to stop feeling guilty over it. "How did the first va-Kindred come to be?" She added, "And how many clans are there, what are they, how are they different from Daeva's?" Kalinda wondered if she was asking the wrong questions, and makin Miranda disappointed in her. She found herself wanting to impress her, but had no idea how to do so.