[center] [b]Rules[/b] 1. No Godmodding or power gaming of any kind. No dodging every shot that comes your way, no catching arrows out of the air or just spamming magic like some kind of great sorcerer. Everyone is still human and therefore has limits. Same goes for beasts that you use as pact creatures. 2. Be sure to work on your posts. No two-four sentence paragraphs. Be sure to develop what you are doing as your character and how the world is reacting as well. The more you write, the more your fellow roleplayers will be able to write back. A minimum of three to four paragraphs a post please. 3. Be considerate of your posting speeds. If you and another person are in a sequence of just your characters, that's fine. But if you carry on for three pages of just the two characters that takes it a little far. Try to make opportunities for other people to become involved as well and push the story. The more plot lines we can make, the better. 4. Be sure to inform me if you are taking a hiatus for a period of time. Two days of no contact and I will begin to worry. By the third day I will send a message to you asking where you are at. The fourth day we will remove the character from a scene in some way. WE WILL NOT KILL YOUR CHARACTER OFF AT THIS TIME! You can come back later on 5. Be civil. If you disagree on a post or some other basic action bring it up in a polite manner and discuss it as people. No reason to start fanning flames in the OOC or making a scene in the IC either. 6. Should you have any plans of something you want to do with your or someone else's character, bring it up with them in the OOC or in the PMs before you do it. If someone starts doing something to your character and you don't want it to happen, see rule 5 on how to deal with it. Also, if you have an idea for a plot point, know that I am open to creative collaboration and feel free to PM me. 7. Enjoy your time in this story. This isn't meant to be work. The only work involved in this is myself making the rules and ground work for the story and you making characters to join. After that it is all fun and games. Please be sure to enjoy it as such. 8. Should you decide to engage in romance, know where to stop. Don't get too graphic with it. I don't know if people still do this, but if it does get more than just a little steamy take it to the messages and finish the scene out there. 9. In regards to pact beasts, we will stick with one creature per character. And again, pacts are not required. They are just something you can include if you want to add something different to your characters. Pact beasts will count as their own separate character so you will in essence be posting for two if you choose to have one. 10. The only character limit is the one you put on yourself. Make as many as you want but just be sure not to make too many that you can't keep up with them all. [b]Character Sheets[/b] [b]Name:[/b] The name of your character [b]Username:[/b] Your name on RPG [b]Age:[/b] How old you are? [b]Appearance:[/b] What do you look like? A picture or description works fine here. [b]Home Land:[/b] Where do you hail from? [b]Personality:[/b] What kind of person is your character towards others? [b]Back story:[/b] Explain to us where you stand in the land of Panitil. [b]Weapon of Skill:[/b] In these days you must defend yourself from oppressors. What weapon have you been trained it to kill your foes? [b]Magic:[/b] Have you developed a flair for that which goes beyond the boundaries of man? You can only know magic if you are in a pact. [b]Equipment:[/b] A simple weapon and garb will not due if you are to usurp Yid's tyranny. What all do you carry with you in case of trouble? [b]Pact Beast:[/b] Have you met a beast worthy sharing a soul with? Explain your pact beast to all of us. Give us a name and what the beast is like. (Note: You do not need to have your pact beast at the beginning of the story. You can meet it later on in the story.) [b]Status: Open[/b] [/center]