[center] [b]Accepted Characters[/b][/center] [hider= Dina Yuisha][center] [b]Name:[/b] Dina Yuisha [b]Username:[/b] MUG [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Appearance:[/b] [img=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/355/a/4/swordsman_by_mayshing-d4jsg99.jpg] [b]Home Land:[/b] Moushak, a province of Yid between the Golden Ash Peaks and Jigiput that was destroyed due to a dispute between the dukes and Vikash about trade routes. It was believed that the dukes were supplying some sort of rebellion against Yid, and when asked to show their trade routes, they refused. Seeing this as an act of betrayal Vikash burnt the city to the ground and used it as an example of what happens when people cross the great empire. [b]Personality:[/b] Somewhat dark and angry to those who stare at him, Dina actually shows little emotion on his face. Hardened by the terrors of war and slaughter, he keeps his emotions to himself and is a straight to the point kind of person. Behind closed doors with those he sees as trustworthy he can actually be quite the friend and ally. Though he is slow to trust, and even slower in accepting those who approach him. He has been spurned by spies before, and does not wish to tempt those risks again. [b]Back story:[/b]  Dina grew up in the city of Moushak, which no longer exists, through his entire childhood. He had been privately tutored most of his life to prepare him for life as a duke in service of the empire of Yid. Throughout his youth however he was always complaining and wanting less duties to fall upon his shoulders. His parents, both kind and always smiling, told him that he was the only one that they trusted with the castle and that it was his duty to his people. Though he accepted this duty, he did so begrudgingly almost his entire life. At the age of 22 he went out for a hunt without an escort for the simple desire of wanting time away from the castle and his duties. Dina left for the Wui Forest and stayed there for a few hours, seemingly becoming lost in the beauty of the trees that were surrounding him. When he left the forest he saw smoke rising from his home and rode his horse as fast as he could to find out what was going on. Once he got back, he bore witness to the horrors of tyranny that was the Yid empire. Homes a blaze. Men, women, children piled up so high they seemed to dwarf even him. His family's castle had been demolished. Stones strewn about the ground surrounding where it was. On one wall that had remained, Dina beheld his mother and father impaled through two spikes, hanging above him. He wept for what felt like days, mourning the loss of everything he had lost. Running later after burying his parents and saying his goodbyes, he quickly went to climb the Golden Ash Peaks, prepared to live out the rest of his life in those mountains. For three years he stayed up in those peaks, going every so often into Reshri for supplies when the hunting was no good. One day however he ran into a patrol of Yid soldiers that had brought down a young fire dragon, seemingly torturing the poor thing for sport. He approached them with nothing but his fists and began fighting off two of the soldiers by himself, an event the others apparently viewed as comedy as laughter echoed in the mountains. Being beaten badly Dina began wondering if he had bitten off more than he could chew, but that quickly disappeared when a roar shook the entire area around him and the soldiers. Quickly landing, another fire dragon began setting the land a blaze with her fire and thrashing her wings and tail around. The sounds of the burning men and those who had been thrown about the area stayed in the ears of Dina as the dragon finished off the last of the patrol. As Dina hid behind a boulder nearby, the dragon went to the other and began to speak. It seemed the two were siblings, and the female had come to rescue her brother when no others were willing to assist. Dina approached and just as the dragon was about to blast the man with fire, the injured dragon pleaded with his sister to spare him. He explained that he had stood up to the soldiers and deserved respect. The dragon soon passed on and that left the female dragon with a choice to be made. She offered him a pact as thanks. Dina, initially shaken at the idea, asked her why. She simply replied with two words. “You're brave.” The young man stood in front of the dragon and accepted the pact. The two then made a promise to bring down Yid and everything it stood for. The two now head off for Veganshi to begin recruiting for a rebellion. They will never forgive, and therefore never regret this decision. [b]Weapon of Skill:[/b] He is skilled in both a short and broad sword. He keeps his broad sword on his back and his short sword at his waist. He has attempted to perfect a two sword fighting style, but for the moment prefers to just use one or the other at a time until he is more comfortable with the two of them. That way he has a better chance of living. [b]Magic:[/b] Dina has begun learning the powers of fire through his pact with his pact partner, whom he met after battling with Yid forces. He can as of this moment throw out a single ball of fire that explodes on contact and spreads out after wards. The explosion is similar to that of a small black powder bomb, but does not do much damage to armored foes. [b]Equipment:[/b] He keeps a map on his person at all times as well as a small patch of herbs to clot up any wounds that might be inflicted upon himself or those around him. There is also a pendant that he keeps in a pocket that belonged to his mother that he holds onto for the sake of remembering why he fights. It is motivation, as well as an example to others of what Yid can take without warning. He considers it his “Ace in the hole” when recruiting new rebels. [b]Pact Beast:[/b] [img=http://static2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131230203739/drakengard/images/5/58/Angelus_Lvl2.png] A fire dragon of 200 years, she is an adolescent who is just learning her own skills as well as the skills made through her pact. Junesha is a loud and angry one, upset at the chaos that the world is stuck in that so few seem to notice. Even among her own, she was the only one to truly speak up a desire to fight against the humans that encroached on their territory. She saw Dina defend one of her younger siblings, and though he was too late to save him, she decided to form the pact with Dina to try and do what no other dragon would. Fight against the empire. She tends to have a dark humor and more often than not will view violence as the fastest approach. Dina has done his best to quell her blood lust, but she still finds the screams of those she burns so soothing to her angry heart. [/center][/hider] [hider= Lilani Elaris][center] Name: Lilani Elaris Username: Drache Age: Lilani is 137, which makes her a young adult half-elf. Appearance: (Brief description, will elaborate during game-play) Lilani is a willowy young woman with bright green eyes and long wild golden-brown hair. She has some elvish features, including slightly pointed ears and almond-shaped eyes, but to anyone familiar with elves would likely be able to identify her as a half-breed. She tends to dress in greens and browns, garbed for life in the deep wilderness. Home Land: Lilani was raised primarily in the elven city of Bisha by her father, but since her parent's relationship was only a fleeting tryst, she did spend some time with her mother in a nearby human civilization. More recently she has lived deeper in the wilderness, learning the ways of the shaman and the healer. Personality: Lilani tends to be cheerful and optimistic, and actively attempts to diffuse tension rather than inadvertently exacerbate it. Even as a relatively young woman, she possesses a nurturing instinct and is often the person that others feel they can confide in. She does occasionally surprise those around her by taking firm stands on issues she believes in. Back story: Lilani's parents, an elven warrior and a human merchantess, had a brief fling when her mother's family visited the city of Bisha. At first Lilani lived with her mother, but the threat of war compelled her mother into sending her to stay with her father. Though he obviously loved his daughter, the social stigma of being a half-breed became too heavy a burden to bear. She left the city the night of her coming-of-age to learn the secrets of the earth and sky known by the reclusive druids and shamans of the world. In her travels and studies she chose to undergo the rites of the pact with her loyal friend and protector, a fierce griffon named Sarkonar. Weapon of Skill: Lilani carries only an oaken quarterstaff carved deeply with eldritch runes of enchantment. The staff itself has several abilities (to be revealed later), but Lilani primarily uses it as a focus for the nature and healing magic she has learned to use through the Pact. She can still use magic without it, but having it in her hand can sometimes enhance certain spells. Lilani also has a passing skill with poisons and can either use them by themselves or to make regular weapons more deadly. She is also capable of using a sling or blowgun, but these are backup weapons. Magic: Lilani is a druid. Her spells come from the neutral natural world and with them she can control beasts, plantlife, and the elements with varying degrees of skill. Her magic is mostly used for healing, and she has so far made a living as a traveling healer in the more remote forest villages, both elf and human. Due to being somewhat hermit-like and being bonded to a frightening magical beast, she prefers to use her power healing animals, but the magic works just as well on people. Having the ability to communicate and manipulate animals also makes her a valuable trainer. At the current time, she is on a mission to learn the next tier of druidic power, which is the ability to transform her own body into that of an animal. Equipment: Lilani is skilled at finding what she needs to live off the land and carries only a few basic necessities for outdoor living, such as a hammock and cooking implements. She does carry a healer's kit and constantly adds to it, taking every opportunity to refresh her stores of healing plants and potions/substances. She also carries a flute which she plays as a hobby. Sarkonar serves willingly as a mount, so he is generally wearing a saddle with light saddlebags, but he requires no bridle. Lilani wears leather armour and carries a change of clothing to better fit into the city crowds. Pact Beast: Sarkonar is a proud male griffon who Lilani nursed back to health after he was hunted for sport by Yid soldiers. Returning to his clan's eyrie to find it torched to oblivion, he pledged his life to the young druid. He harbours a fierce resentment against Yid's tyranny and urges Lilani to use her power against them. Sarkonar speaks only telepathically and like most griffon's, enjoys the taste of horseflesh. He is a golden griffon. [img=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/075/9/b/Gryphon_by_Neoseptem.png] [/center][/hider] [hider= Nito Oaken-Heart][center] Name: Nito Oaken-Heart Username: Razbat Age: 27 Appearance: Nito is a large, burly human who stands at about 6'2. He has short thick brown hair, and dark hazel eyes. His most common attire is his black leather armor, or the furs of the beasts he has slain. Although he looks rough he has been known to clean up nicely. Home Land: Nito comes from the human city of Veganshi. His mother died birthing him so he was raised there by his father. Once his father was sent to war he was left alone, and he moved high into the Great Spine. Personality: Nito is a proud warrior. He is sarcastic, stubborn, and has a bit of a temper. While he might not be the easiest to get along with, he can still be friendly as long as you aren't on his bad side. Nito is also very loyal, passionate about what he believes in, and isn't afraid to do what he feels is right. Back story: Nito's mother died while he was being born, so he was raised by his huntsman father. His father is the one who taught him the way of the hunt, and how to wield a blade. Nito and his father had been close until war spread to their city. His father was sent to war and he never returned. Saddened by his fathers demise, Nito used what he had learned from his father and journeyed into the Great Spine. He hunted for food in the forests around it, and made shelter in the caves. One cave in particular is where he met Drolock, the fierce and powerful manticore. Weapon of Skill: Nito carries a curved steel sword. The sword is engraved in an ancient tongue, long unknown to man. The sword not only has a unique shape, but it is surprisingly razor sharp. Magic: Nito learned the secrets of magic from his pact. Like the manticore, Nito's magic is very dangerous. He has the ability to drain someone's energy if he touches their bare skin. He can also repel weak magic for a period of time. Equipment: Nito is a hunter so he travels lightly. He carries supplies for trapping animals, and ropes for climbing. If he needs a fire he also has a few flints and sticks. Drolock can serve as a mount because he can fly, or run faster than a human or any horse. Nito prefers walking alongside his companion however. Pact Beast: Nito found the manticore Drolock inside of a deep cavern in the Great Spine. Nito tried to kill the great beast, but he relented once it spoke to him. Drolock offered the secrets of magic, and great power to the hunter. Nito joined his soul with the mighty manticore, and they became a friendship born out of conflict. Drolock is an average size manticore with dark fur and like most manticores he dines on human flesh. [img=http://static.tumblr.com/0aa2203bc9f0d83b6dec03430147e383/e3zsoqi/gzqmttvxe/tumblr_static_manticore_by_kikicianjur-d384nro.jpg] [/center][/hider] [hider= Charlie Axland][center] Name: Charlie Axland Username: DreadPirate Age: 29 Appearance: [img=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/236x/be/96/d2/be96d29edb6b0d5c6cac4ddd0cbbf61e.jpg] Home Land: Yid Personality: A rebel at heart Charlie tends to do things in a rather unorthodox way. His military background is something he is proud of but not willing to boast about. He was taught to be humble and not let arrogance cloud his mind. He is a usually cool and collected individual even in times of strife, though he is prone to arguing with others. Not one to fight fair he prefers a stealthy method of attack and using whatever he can to his advantage. He is a generally friendly person though more of an introvert and not one to start conversations. Back story: His mother was his father's maid and his father was an acclaimed soldier Charlie was born into wealth. Never a day went by when they didn't have what they needed and this really allowed Charlie to explore the town. With the money he had he could do whatever he wanted and go wherever he wanted. However his parents didn't allow this kind of freedom and from a very young age he started sneaking out at night and exploring. He loved the thrill of sneaking around and possibly getting caught. This continued until he was of age for the army and he was enrolled immediately. Now no longer able to explore or adventure he was forced to play by the rules and train. He wasn't the greatest soldier but he was above average. However as soon as he was put in the field he realized what horrible thing he was apart of. This wasn't what he was meant for this was oppression and far from right. He deserted immediately and began working as a mercenary/assassin just trying to make his way in the slums he lives in. Weapon of Skill: A longbow that was military issue, it has since been whittled and modified to Charlie's needs. (The bow is named Scarlet.) His arrows are handmade and always the finest quality, he has specialized arrows to match any opponent in combat. Magic: None, he knows a few card tricks though. Equipment: His custom bow,quiver and arrows. He wears a thick set of wool clothing that camouflages him in forested areas. Other than a small dagger, a flask with his initials engraved on it and some playing cards he carries nothing worth mentioning. Pact Beast: Charlie's soul is not shared with anyone. [/center][/hider] [hider=Zalena Shibaba][center] Name: Zalena Shibaba Username: Heliosa Age: 24 Appearance: [img=http://i.imgur.com/aQEYhT2.jpg] Zalena is short (5'3) and curvaceous. While she prefers the ease and mobility of her tribal clothing, she wears simple, light dresses while in Veganshi. Her dark curls are usually swept back into a long and messy ponytail. Home Land: Zalena's family hails from the desert outskirts of Rowal, which is sparsely populated by various nomadic tribes. However, recent skirmishes troubling that area forced her family to leave and make the long journey to Veganshi. This was done despite the misgivings of the tribe Elder, who was also Zalena's mentor in the healing arts. The remainder of the tribe stubbornly chose to stay behind. Zalena made the arduous trek with her parents and her four younger siblings, and once they reached Veganshi they found a home at the very edge of the city. Personality: Having been the eldest child and in charge of helpless children for the majority of her life, Zalena is used to shouldering responsibility. She is level-headed and rational though not without a sense of humor, which often presents itself as sarcasm. Zalena is also very persistent, almost to the point of it being a fault. As an apprentice healer in her tribe, she had been known for refusing to give up on those who came to her for her magic and knowledge. Though Zalena grew up in a tribe that did not find much importance for more urban skills like reading or writing, her father's experience as a well=traveled merchant taught him that these skills were necessary and so he passed them down to her. Consequently, Zalena is a bit of a bookworm. She is also fiercely protective of those she loves, especially her younger siblings. Back story: Zalena was born to a nomadic desert tribe that had a proud history of producing talented pact-bearers. As a small and still fairly unbalanced toddler, Zalena fell into an oasis and died. However, her demise had only lasted for a few seconds. Her tiny sinking body had caught the attention of Susiri, one of the undines residing in the oasis, and she had swiftly brought Zalena back to the surface. The undine had a particular knack for healing magic, and had used her ability to revive Zalena. Without realizing the brevity of such an action (given that four year olds are bad at gauging the brevity of any situation), Zalena accepted the undine's offer to form a pact. The magic manifested in her at a young age, and she had learned to heal small wounds and injured animals before she was of ten years of age. Despite not being pacted and lacking in magic, the tribe healer took her on as an apprentice to aid her in controlling her power. Due to the rumors of war and the frequent brushes with foreign forces, youths of her tribe were also trained in basic combat skills. Being more proficient at being agile and evasive, Zalena preferred the speed of daggers. Despite their preparation, her tribe was outmatched when an unruly band of Vikash's forces decided to cause trouble while passing by. Zalena's uncle was among the four warriors who fought fiercely but inevitably fell. There would have been more trouble if the tribe Armsmaster had not called upon the Cerberus it was bonded with, and slain the enemy soldiers within a matter of minutes. Fearing more trouble, her parents made the very difficult decision of leaving the tribe, despite Zalena's healer training being incomplete. They settled in a small house on the outskirts of Veganshi, and her father resumed being a merchant while her mother opened up a shop of exotic goods. Zalena spends her time caring for her siblings, exploring with Susiri, and attempting to enhance her healing abilities and knowledge. Weapon of Skill: Healing magic, an extensive knowledge of medicinal botany, moderate proficiency at dual-weilding daggers. Magic: Healing magic, not trained in using her magic for attacking or defense. Equipment: A visible flask of water is always at Zalena's hip though she does not use it for drinking. Her daggers are strapped to her thighs, and out of sight if she is garbed in a long dress. Pact Beast: Susuri is an Undine that resided in a desert oasis with her sisters. Susuri is a restless spirit, despite most Undines being calm and peaceful. She saved little Zalena partly out of compassion, but mostly because the drowning child was the most interesting thing to happen to her in a century. As far as Undines go, Susuri is relatively young, having lived for about three hundred and twenty years. Susuri is able to change size and shape, but she prefers to remain palm-sized. She can travel along with Zalena as long as there is any water on or around her. [img=http://i.imgur.com/hlEFor2.jpg] [/center][/hider]