The shot from Raider gundam shook the cockpit violently, further agitating her wound which she was now very aware of. "...Phase Shift Armor holding... field test successful.. Energy drain, acceptable..." The mere fact that the Strike was performing superbly at least in the Phase Shift Armor category was enough to bring a weak smile to her face, and it withstood a shot from another G-project's weapons. Milya would be absolutely ecstatic if not for the fact an enemy was hijacking Raider right now. "This is Ensign Arsenio Forneus of OMNI Enforcer!! You in the Pink and Black Gundams, identify yourselves or I will end you!" Ah, it was bigmouth again. He seemed a good enough person but had a habit of being absolutely grating on the nerves. And was Aegis compromised as well? If only she had the killswitch for the G-projects. While he, Mr. Macho over there was occupied with Aegis(..did he even know how to pilot Duel Gundam properly?) , she on the other hand had Raider right across from her, and Strike would not be able to stand sustained fire and the subsequent drain on its batteries for long. However, while it was true that Strike was outgunned by the Raider in terms of firepower, but as one of the person who worked on the OS for the Gundam as well as their parts, she had a bit advantage there if she played her cards right. However, the Raider decided not to press its advantage, and zoomed away, shooting away at Duel as it did so. She pursued him out of the hangar, before giving up. Strike was made for versatility in the battlefield with its striker packs, and as off now, it would be suicide to follow Raider, as well as stupid as they would also lose Strike in the process If only the Striker packs were already prepped... Cowards... when they were the one who attacked them first... Her blood was already boiling from the sheer stupidity of it all, and she found herself blaming those three earlier. If only they didn't mention such a thing, then this might not had happened... It was irrational to say the least, and she knew that, but in her current state she couldn't help but blame everything for this madness. "Milya Sveis, Assistant Technician, Strike confirmed safe..." She started on the private comlink, before almost losing consciousness on the keyboard. She didn't do much, save spray some bullets at some people and getting shot at, but at least they didn't get Strike. She'd like to believe they didn't get it because she was already in it, but she had a feeling that would not be true if Arsenio didn't commandeer Duel. She finally collapsed backwards onto her chair, pressing a hand on the gunshot wound. Milya didn't think she could even pilot Strike for a minute more, much less survive a duel with Raider right now.