"hmmm," Autharyx murmured, flexing his arm slightly to feel how tight the appendage was. The blade seemed sharp enough from up close, but he wasn't particularly nervous. It wasn't like Viltez had given any indication that he wanted to hurt him. "You usually carry it around your waist, no?" he said, still trailing his fingers through the soft fur. as long as the other seemed to be neither uncomfortable nor insulted he was going to keep the oportunity to satisfy his curiosity. "don't you feel the temperature of your skin, or the shift of the fabric of your clothes?" He knew he did. It wasn't as bad as it was at first, but whenever he thought about it, he could feel the drag of fabric against his skin again. even walking around without clothes didn't help with the distraction, as the heat of the sun and feeling of the wind were just as bad. as time passed, though, his body had found a way to turn off the unnecessary sensations. He imagined that this was how humans dealt with a lot of things: just ignore the bits you can't change and pretend they don't exist. "It would make sense if the part with the weapon is less sensitive, and it's easy enough to figure out, is it not?" He reached over to the part of the tail thant was on the table, digging his fingers in the fur and then slowly moving towards the tip. "Does it feel different?" he asked, head tilted as he watched Viltez' face with interest. He kept following the line of the tail with his fingers, occasionally skipping a part where it was wrapped around his arm, until he he reached the tuft of fur that surrounded the blade.